Obama Demands Schools Welcome Illegals

A new Department of Education guide called “Supporting Undocumented Youth” urges schools to create a welcoming environment for illegal aliens and pushes schools to help illegals lobby for amnesty and demand other taxpayer goodies.elementary_school

“The Department hopes that educators, schools, and campuses will, as they see fit, draw upon the tips and examples in this Guide to better support undocumented youth and, ultimately, move us closer to the promise of college and career readiness for all,” reads the 63-page report.

Under a section entitled “DACA Consideration Fact Sheet,” the agency encourages educators to inform illegal aliens of the DACA program, which Obama enacted by executive action in 2012.

Obama’s so-called “Guide” shows schools how to help illegals apply for federal giveaways and urges the schools themselves to help put political pressure on politicians to advance the cause of amnesty for illegals.

The guide also provides tips for schools and educators on how to support illegal alien youth who are in high school and college. It also provides information for non-citizens on how to access federal financial aid, while providing a list of scholarships for which they might be eligible.

The guide also urges schools to create welcoming environments for such students.

Suggestions for how to support the students including hosting “an undocumented immigrant awareness day.”

“Consider partnering with community and stakeholder groups to amplify the event,” the guide suggests.

Other proposals include: “Publicly demonstrate support for undocumented students” and “educate all students about the challenges and strengths of undocumented students, such as by hosting an Undocumented Week.”

So the next time your school system complains they have no money and must cut vital teaching programs, remember they have plenty of cash on hand to create massive guides to assist lawbreakers apply for more federal funds.


  1. Please GOD, deliver us from this devil obummer.

  2. I believe that God wants us to be loving and welcome people who weren’t born with the same advantages as we were. It is not our money, it is not our country, God gave us out of all people those blessings. How are we going to use them?

  3. sherri palmer says

    “pushes schools to help illegals lobby for amnesty”?…WTF! So the schools are now being enlisted to lobby for amnesty, unbelievable…..if they don’t get this muslim out of the WH we will lose this country in 2016!

  4. cherokeeman says

    So why doesn’t he put his two “rent-a-kids” in these schools?

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