Newspaper office VANDALIZED for using term ‘illegals’

Fox News — A California newspaper will continue to use the term “illegals” to describe people who enter the U.S. without permission, despite an attack on its building by vandals believed to object to the term.

The Santa Barbara News-Press’s front entrance was sprayed with the message “The border is illegal, not the people who cross it” in red paint, sometime either Wednesday night or early Thursday, according to the newspaper’s director of operations, Donald Katich. The attack came amid wider objections to a News-Press headline that used the word “illegals” alongside a story on California granting driver’s licenses to people in the country illegally.

“The vandalism and the damage speak for itself, as well as the motivation behind it,” Santa Barbara Police Officer Mitch Jan said. “At this point in time, I don’t really have any suspect information. Without cameras or an eyewitness, we really don’t know who would be responsible.”

In addition to the writing on the building, graffiti espousing a no-borders mentality was scribbled on the walkway through Storke Placita and the sidewalk near Santa Barbara City Hall. Police were braced for a protest in front of the paper later this week. Jan said hundreds could show up, and the Police Department is aware of the call for a protest.

“There is a plan underway,” he said. “There is extra staffing on board for it.”

In a statement, the newspaper said it has no plans to drop its style in describing illegal immigrants.

“It has been the practice for nearly 10 years at the Santa Barbara News-Press to describe people living in this country illegally as “illegals” regardless of their country of origin,” the statement read. “This practice is under fire by some immigration groups who believe that this term is demeaning and does not accurately reflect the status of “undocumented immigrants,” one of several terms other media use to describe people in the Unites States illegally.

“It is an appropriate term in describing someone as “illegal” if they are in this country illegally,” the statement added.

The debate over how to label people who are in the U.S. without permission has raged at news organizations across the nation in recent years. In 2013, both The Associated Press and the Los Angeles Times banned the phrase after employing it for decades, saying it “lacked precision,” according to Pew Research Center.

The Washington Post, The New York Times and The Wall Street Journal all use the phrase, although only The Wall Street Journal uses “illegal immigrant” to refer to people who not only criminally enter the U.S. without the proper documentation, but also those who overstay their visas.’s policy is to describe immigrants who are in the U.S. illegally as “illegal immigrants.”


  1. Belladonnacotton says

    I stopped calling them illegals and now just call them alien criminals.

  2. PostTosties says

    I call them A-holes!

  3. PostTosties says

    Guess what American citizens! Our
    fee for a driver’s license in California will go up $100.00 to pay for the expenses of illegal alien driver’s licenses.
    A friend just heard this on the radio!
    Be sure and Thank Gov. Brown for allowing this!

  4. so intimadation wins agan

  5. Jim Gilchrist says

    Dear Americans and free speech proponents,

    The Santa Barbara News-Press will set a long overdue precedent of defying politically correct speech, which in itself is “censorship.”

    For decades the U.S. media has cowered to intimidation from sinister reactionaries who would have all of us goose-stepping at their whim.

    Yes, America, fascism does come from the extremist elements of either side of an argument, especially from the anti free speech Left.

    Anyone who is in favor of free speech, freedom of thought, and freedom to assemble, please converge on the Santa Barbara News-Press to provide a 24/7 watch over its property and personnel to defend them from physical attack by the fascist Left fanatics.

    Inform the Santa Barbara Police Department of who you are so the police do not mistake you for vandals. Whatever you do, stay within the rule of law and cooperate with the Santa Barbara P.D.

  6. When you are paying uninsured driver option on your mandatory auto insurance you would think that you are covered if you are hit by an illegal with the NEW Law. Guess what California is one of the states that DO NOT pay for your damages by an (obama) illegal driver you have to pay for it yourself. READ your policy and make your Insurance company verify my words as truth or fiction.

  7. call them what they are Leeches.

  8. This act shows just how stupid they are. Instead of keeping a low profile they FAN the fires of a NEWSPAPER which will bring MORE support for the ANTI-ill-eagle’s by showing just how much CONTEMPT they have for the Americana people!!!

  9. sherri palmer says

    how about piss pots

  10. Jeanne Stotler says

    “The Border is Illegal” ??, Then pray tell WHY do they put Americans who are there illegally, in jail?? Also we cannot own property, hold jobs and a few more laws in Mexico, deport them ASAP Remember our Marine, how long he suffered and was MISTREATED and Obama did nothing.

  11. the correct term is illegal aliens

  12. Jeanne Stotler says

    My son was hit in Maryland almost 2 years ago, no payment, and the illegal never in court, nor owner of car, guess they moved and changes names, they have a few.



  15. I agree

  16. Yes, I agree, we would not get any of this if we went to Mexico illegally

  17. They are illegals, not naturalized. Their attitudes are defiant of law and order; they are criminals in spirit. I see illegal immigrants to be just as defiant of law and order as terrorists are. The illegal immigrants, La Raza, and Al Queda are of the same defiant, anti-Amercan, hate-mongering mindset. La Raza is essentially an anti-America hate group. I suppport the bravery of the Santa Barbara News-Press. The News-Press, just like “Charlie,” in France needs the support of law and order. They are alien criminals.

  18. Rob theisen says

    Saying the border is illegal but not those crossing it illegally is like saying the car is at fault for the accident not the drunk driver.

  19. Screw these illegals, far as I’m concerned they are terrorists and that’s all there is to it. If you are here illegally then you better pack your bags because American’s are sick of you pathetic excuses for breaking the law. Illegals GO BACK TO WHERE EVER THE HELL YOU CAME FROM AND DON’T LET THE DOOR HIT YOU ON THE ASS ON THE WAY OUT!

  20. Jim Gilchrist himself, it’s an honor.

  21. La Raza is in fact a terrorist hate group so of course Obama supports them.

  22. Erica Stuart says

    La Raza does not recognize the border as legal. Their position is that we are the invaders and

    they started LA Raza as a “Reconquista” Org.

    They did not hide their intent and teach all Latinos they will ‘BURY US WITH THEIR CHILDREN AND TAKE OVER THE GOVERNMENT” I have tried, but greed for temporary cheep labor refuses to accept that what they welcome in is not difference than the Latino version of Jihadist of the future.
    They should not be allowed to protest and threaten citizens, by doing so they officially declare their “enemy” position and intent. By not standing up to that claim we “accept our guilt this is their land”. Women are the new recruit for stealing without fear, “we are just taking back what you took from us”. Law enforcement is a joke for them because one is called “racist” for reporting and no case is filed so no deporting. That is why the “cases have diminished not because they stopped robbing you. Brown new ” less than $1000.00, not a crime” The repetition total for e me it is over $30.000. they take money and jewelry easy to sell. WE NEED TO DEMAND LAW ENFORCEMENT AND PROTECTION OF THE CITIZENS AS THE CONSTITUTION DEMANDS, NOT METAL BARS ON OUR WINDOW.

  23. sherri palmer says

    Now we have another good reason to kick their piss pot asses out of our country…they are only copying those muslims in Paris, they are really juvenile, throwing their diseased weight around, and living off of us, they better get a grip on reality, we don’t want them here anyway…

  24. According to the law, this is their correct designation. I’m a naturalized citizen, before that i was a legal alien.

  25. Thank you Jim for also calling the news agencies what they are. I also don’t like the political corrected term Liberal either, these people are not generous they are succubus like creatures who are bleeding this country and our systems to death. Keep up the good work, i’ve been a fan and with you for many years now, and will be for many to come.

  26. No border means NO COUNTRY

  27. WHAT????? Like we have all this money to give to Jerry and his stupid “Come one, come all” speech. I also heard the state excise tax on a gallon of gas is supposed to go up .75$ per gallon. I’m not sure when, but Brown did sign it.

  28. Philip Robillard says

    How about ‘foreign invaders’? (And then, treat them as such – no matter what gender or age they are.)

  29. Belladonnacotton says

    If your illegal you should be shipped out if you come back shot dead.

  30. Jeanne Stotler says

    Not mine, I didn’t vote for him

  31. The people of France just learned what happens when you continue to appease groups that want more and more from the host country, and will have their way,no matter what the cost.
    For those who believe that this is both a minor and isolated incident, this is only the begining and after ALL that has been handed to them, nothing can now be withdrawn.

  32. Federal Border Jumper Criminals!

  33. alpambuena says

    if any of us American citizens want to go down to mexico and try to get amnesty, welfare, unemployment and a free education…I am sure the Mexican government would have a name for us….that would be…ILLEGAL ALIEN…and then put us in jail….I would like the borders secured with a triple layer fence that is electrified.

  34. the American says

    Illegals, illegals, illegals, call them what they are!

  35. Govenor Jerry Brown is a degenerate – a sleazy degenerate coward . . . in every facet of his life, a degenerate. At some point, he will decriminalize pedophilia, I have little doubt.

  36. Jeanne Stotler says

    They have been trying this BS for years, The Almo, Border dispute are just 2, they tell kids in school that parts of USA belong to Mexico

  37. La Times lacks precision too as all the liberal media. What a country…

  38. sherri palmer says

    It is time to kick their illegal asses out of the country, this is copy-cat tactics from piss pots who are here ILLEGALLY from south of the border…kick them out and lighten up the crime load and welfare load.

  39. sherri palmer says

    I agree with you.

  40. sherri palmer says

    supreme court justice soto-mayor appointed by the WH terrorist belonged to LaRaza and maybe she still does

  41. sherri palmer says

    illegals are like Obama, they say anything that falls in their favor. I saw an article yesterday that a tribe of American Indians want illegals off their land in CA; I thought it was funny since illegals claim that this country belongs to them. American Indians will not take any ship from them, I like it!

  42. Rob theisen says

    That is ironic…If you want to get Technical the Indians were here long before us..I have great respect for Native Americans..

  43. Belladonnacotton says

    The fact is they are illegal criminals.

  44. Abraham Lizama says

    I bet you’re excited for that huh perv.

  45. Abraham Lizama says

    They actually welcome your American dollars because it has more value than the peso. And your light skin would get all the ladies!

  46. Abraham Lizama says

    What planet are you from?

  47. Abraham Lizama says

    America is the entire western hemisphere jack ass, their is north, central and south. Check the maps

  48. Abraham Lizama says

    You’re children will probably have mixed kids.

  49. Abraham Lizama says

    The people of France are idiots for teasing a beast that is merciless and savage.

  50. Abraham Lizama says

    Small minded local imbecile!

  51. Abraham Lizama says

    Like the fruit you’re eating.

  52. Abraham Lizama says

    Did you know that most people on welfare are poor whites?

  53. the American says

    who gives a crap about fruit ? cheap labor is not worth selling out the soul of my country for….stupid and ridiculous argument to sell out a nations sovereignty.

  54. the American says

    it doesn’t matter what Americans do in their own country….. it’s the business of American citizens what their citizens do ….not illegal aliens of whom were never welcome here.

  55. the American says

    A lie based on a lie, corrupt cartel culture in a nutshell.

  56. sherri palmer says

    me too…

  57. sherri palmer says

    illegals walked here, now they need to drive? if they dont have money for a drivers license, how can they afford a car, car insurance, gas, etc.?

  58. sherri palmer says

    Triple layer fence is what is needed

  59. sherri palmer says

    Obama might beat him to the punch w/that decriminalizing pedophilia….one of obamas former czars belonged to NAMBLA, his slogan was “every boy needs a good man” —, that’s the kind of arab in the WH we have for a president

  60. sherri palmer says

    You are so right! Something I got from statistics on methodology by US govt: When hispanics are victims of” hate crimes,” they are classified as hispanics. When hispanics are perpetrators they are classified as being white. Any bias incident between a hispanic perpetrator and a hispanic victim, will be reported as white on hispanic “hate crime.” Therefore the number of “hate crimes” against hispanics is increased by definition! Some govt that we have. WTF… We can guess pretty much that govt just throws in the towel re:muslims…

  61. Abraham Lizama says

    Cool beans blood, tell me please: what type of American are you? North, central, or south American ? I am curious as to why you claim America for 3 entire co time ts and their surrounding islands?

  62. Abraham Lizama says

    Its funny because I don’t see any native Americans wanting to kick out euro-Americans of fair complexion. Oh wait! Most of them are dead due to massive genocide at the hands of the us government and bigoted jackasses like all of you.

  63. Abraham Lizama says

    That’s just ignorant.

  64. Abraham Lizama says

    For old men.

  65. Abraham Lizama says

    Technically it does…

  66. Abraham Lizama says

    The us supplies weapons and money to cartels

  67. Abraham Lizama says

    Killem all wuntang

  68. Belladonnacotton says

    No it’s real.

  69. Rob theisen says

    You are sadly uninformed..Racism has nothing to do with cracking down on illegal immigration..The reasons are far more universal…They cost the taxpayer millions every year…They take jobs away from Americans:

    There is also the fact that just handing amnesty out is a slap in the face to those coming here legally…We reward lawbreakers and basically tell those who are immigrating the right way to go to the back of line behind these lawless illegals…We are 17 trillion in debt…Millions of Americans are out of work The welfare safety net is stretched to the breaking point..This is about the livelihood of this country and those who live here legally…

    Sorry guy..I don’t care what color they are or where they came from we cannot afford them..They must go to the back of the line (which by the way that line starts in their country of origin)..

  70. PostTosties says

    Believe me they can afford it. Their women collect welfare, food stamps, and their men work under the table or use a cousin SSI number. They have everything I’m told. Including nice Cadillacs!

  71. PostTosties says

    Some call them a Hispanic supremacist group. I read this and I believe it’s true.

  72. PostTosties says

    Americans if you possible can please subscribe to this Santa Barbara News Press newspaper! This Latino group is calling for people to stop subscriptions! Even if for only one month! Thanks! I’m doing this today!

  73. PostTosties says

    What country are you from?

  74. PostTosties says

    They should tell their children
    that Spain had it first Mexico is 3 in line. So why is it theirs? They only claimed it 25 years! Big deal.

  75. PostTosties says

    It is a lie. Mexicans h have always been in awe of the U.S. and jealous as hell!

  76. the American says

    believe me there is nothing Supreme about the Latino culture …’s corrupt at its core…they cannot govern themselves…. look at all latin countries….all third world.

  77. the American says

    Total moron. …yeah let’s return the land to the barbaric indians wearing leather diapers fighting with bows and arrows, committing gross atrocities and genocide on their own people….real civilized ….that’s how dumb you sound.

  78. Abraham Lizama says

    you live in the product of a white colony. These issues are due to historical events that give you the right to be angry. People died for you to be biased and angry. Look what happens to a nation that is ran by old, wealthy white men. That’s what you should be pissed at. Oh and you’re a mark. You don’t know what I sound like. If you want my phone number let me know so then you can hear what I sound like.

  79. the American says

    The United States is unique, unlike any other, i don’t live as the product of a white colony, i live as a product of American freedom, shared by all Americans, of all races, the fact that you want to give special treatment to hispanic illegals says everything about you….they can do it right or leave….there is a reason for borders, it makes for good neighbors.

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