250 Murders by Criminal Illegals Knowingly Released in 2014

Crime figures released at a hearing before the House Judiciary Committee show a massive number of criminal illegals released by ICE in 2014 have come back to haunt American society. Despite his big talk about focusing resources of dangerous criminal illegal aliens, President Obama’s record on preventing illegal immigration and now enforcement of current law […]

ICE Agent Harbors Illegal Alien

Who’s watching the watchers? Immigration and Customs Enforcement deportation officer Arnaldo Echevarria stands accused of harboring an illegal alien and lying to law enforcement. According to the criminal complaint: Echevarria was a deportation officer with ICE, a division of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. In December 2012, Echevarria received permission from his superiors at ICE […]

“Unaccompanied Minor” Slaughters Houston Man

Jonny Alberto Enamorado-Vasquez, a Honduran and so-called “unaccompanied minor” who slithered across the border back in 2012 now sits in a Houston jail accused of murdering a Houstan-area man. Vasquez crossed the border in early October 2012 and immediately was picked up by Border Patrol. From that point on, Mr. Enamorado was in and out […]

ICE Chief: Deportations Plunge Under Obama’s Edicts

So much for the “Deporter-in-Chief”. U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) chief Sarah R. Saldana has prepared testimony for the House Judiciary Committee outlining a dangerous drop in deportations due to Obama’s tricky executive actions. She said she had to pull agents off their regular duties during last summer’s illegal immigrant surge at the border, which […]