Former 7-11 Owner Gets 87 Months For Illegal Immigrant Scheme

Farrukh Baig, owner and operator of a string of 7-11 stores in New York and Virginia was sentenced to 87 months in federal prison for wire fraud and and concealing and harboring illegal immigrants. Federal prosecutors said Mr. Baig along with his wife, two brothers and a another co-conspirator hired dozens of illegal aliens, equipped them […]

Rep. Luis Gutierrez: Jeb Bush GOP’s best shot at immigration reform

Radical immigration reform advocate Rep. Luis Gutierrez (D-Ill.) wants a Democrat to remain in the White House in 2016. However, if his party fails, then he hopes Jeb Bush wins, because Gutierrez believes Bush is the most progressive GOP candidate on the issue of immigration reform: “We would have to stay with the Bush family,” […]

Illegal Immigration Bigger Threat to Black Americans than Police Brutality

The flood of low-skilled illegal aliens into the U.S. has eroded the low-skilled job market for American blacks and driven the labor participation rate for this sector to dangerous lows. This replacement of lower skilled black Americans with illegal aliens has a profound effect on the American economy and the social make up of the […]

Heartbreaking Testimony from Parents With Son Brutally Murdered by Illegal

Dan and Julie Golvach testified before the subcommittee of the Texas Senate Veteran Affairs and Military Installations Committee about the effect Obama’s Open Borders policy had on their lives when their son Spencer was shot in the head by an illegal alien who had been deported numerous times. Golvach testified that his son “played by the rules,” […]