Border Patrol Chief Michael J. Fisher and two agents, Dorian Diaz and Chad Nelson, are being sued in San Diego federal court over the shooting death of a Mexican illegal immigrant accused of throwing rocks at Border Patrol agents: The chief’s presence in the lawsuit opens the door for a larger examination of the Border […]
How the dysfunctional immigration enforcement system tears apart family
No matter how you look at, the U.S. immigration system is deeply flawed. Stephan Dinan of the Washington Times has written a piece on how the dysfunctional immigration enforcement system has ripped apart the Marroquin family — two of whom are U.S. citizens — and will likely do the same to others: In the end, […]
Is DHS Busing Terrorists Into the U.S.?
Word is out among potential illegal immigrants the magic word if you are caught at the border is: asylum. A chance encounter at a gas station near Victorville, TX is powerful evidence that the Department of Homeland Security is actively assisting these so-called asylum-seekers to take root in American society. So when Anita Fuentes of […]
Combat Vets Cut from Army to Make Room for Illegals
As the debate over the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) continues in the House, more details are emerging about bi-partisan efforts to enlist illegal aliens into the U.S. military as a way to fast-track them to citizenship. The Gallego Amendment was approved by the House Armed Services Committee earlier this month. It would specifically grant […]