Immigration provisions buried in Obamatrade deal

Wikileaks made available 17 secret documents from the ongoing Trade in Services Act (TiSA) negotiations, which certain lawmakers, including Republicans, want to fast-track. However, while the mainstream media widely covered the Wikileaks docs, it largely ignored the immigration provisions buried in the deal. Breitbart reported on those provisions Wednesday: Roughly 10 pages of this TiSA […]

You MUST read Ann Coulter’s latest book – it’ll shock you rigid!

My dear friend, Ann Coulter is back, more fearless than ever. In Adios, America she touches the third rail in American politics, attacking the immigration issue head-on and flying in the face of La Raza, the Democrats, a media determined to cover up immigrants’ crimes, churches that get paid by the government for their “charity,” and greedy […]

Border Patrol arrests 144 illegals near Texas border

U.S. Border Patrol agents arrested 144 illegal immigrants in two separate stash house raids near the Texas border: The latest raid took place Tuesday afternoon north of the border city of Mission, Texas. U.S. Border Patrol agents, along with Hidalgo County Sheriff’s Deputies and Precinct 4 Deputy Constables, carried out a “knock and talk,” Border […]

U.S. Releases Hundreds of Cuban Criminals in America

An odd loophole in U.S. immigration law, nicknamed the “Zadvydas cases,” bans the government from detaining immigrants indefinitely if their home countries won’t take them back. Each year, hundreds of criminals who were denied entrance back to their home countries are released on American soil. The vast majority of these criminals are from Cuba, China and Vietnam. All told, […]