According to a new report from the Center for Immigration Studies, worksite immigration enforcement has dropped under the Obama Administration. The CIS said that workplace audits have dropped from over 3,000 in 2013 to a fraction, or 181 this fiscal year. Along with audits, fines have dropped by half. This gives employers almost no incentive to look for […]
Blackhawk helicopters to patrol Rio Grande Valley
U.S. Customs and Border Protection has made the decision to deploy two Blackhawk helicopters to patrol the Rio Grande Valley along the Texas-Mexico border: U.S. Rep. Henry Cuellar, D-Laredo, said the Blackhawk helicopters […] will be charged with patrolling the Rio Grande from Laredo to the Lower Rio Grande Valley. Although the helicopters will not […]
Indicted immigration lawyer taken back into federal custody
Sherin Thawer, an immigration lawyer who was indicted on federal charges of fraud for forging visa applications, was taken back into federal custody Monday after she violated the terms of her pre-trial release by continuing to practice law: U.S. Magistrate Judge Paul Stickney found that Thawer helped someone file an application for the renewal of […]
New Texas intelligence center opened to battle border crime
Texas Gov. Greg Abbott authorized on June 9 the construction of a $2.1 million intelligence center in Hidalgo County designed to target border crime more effectively: Officially known as the Texas Transnational Intelligence Center (TTIC), it will be operated by the Hidalgo County Sheriff’s Office and the McAllen Police Department, with assistance from the Texas […]