Rubio: “I Do” Support Amnesty

GOP Presidential candidate Sen. Marco Rubio has been all over the place when it comes to illegal immigration. His latest position came during an interview with a local TV station in New Hampshire.       “I do,” Rubio said, when asked if he supports a path to citizenship for those currently in the United […]

Celebrities Encourage Illegal Aliens to Flaunt Their Crimes In Public

A coordinated campaign by Hollywood celebrities is encouraging illegal aliens to publicly declare their crime and dare the U.S. government to do something abut it. Rather than conceal their identities and hide from law enforcement officials, those who came to the U.S. illegally are being asked to share their stories through videos on a website […]

900,000 Illegal Immigrants Ordered Deported “In Absentia” Are Still in U.S.

Even when U.S. courts actually agree to deport undocumented immigrants, the orders aren’t carried out. In the latest demonstration that the U.S. legal and police system appears unable to enforce immigration laws, documents show that about 900,000 undocumented immigrants, including 170,000 criminals, have been ordered deported “in absentia,” meaning a judge kicked them out without […]

Sacramento City Schools Add Ethnic Studies Graduation Requirement

Sacramento, home to the fourth most diverse public school district in the nation, has recently decided to add an ethnic studies class to its course load. By 2020, the ethnic studies course will be a graduation requirement. The Sacramento district is one of the most diverse in the region, with no one ethnic group forming […]