Liberals Go Nuts As Trump Invokes Ike’s Deportation Plan

Donald Trump’s candidacy continues to ruffle the feathers of the immigration extremists who have been pushing Open Borders and amnesty for years.

The latest button The Donald pushed was his claim that mass deportations were not only possible but in fact have been successfully carried out in the past. Dwight_D._Eisenhower_-_NARA_-_518138

There was indeed such a plan, dubbed “Operation Wetback,” and developed by President Eisenhower to address what was then a growing illegal immigration problem. Ike reached back to his West Point days to find a military officer – General Joseph Swing – whom he trusted to implement his draconian plan, which saw more than a million illegal immigrants deported to Mexico in the space of a year.

Did it work? It depends on who you talk to. Border Patrol agents still talk about the plan as a huge “success,” claiming that most of the nearly 3 million illegal immigrants then in the country were eventually pushed out – or “self-deported,” fearing imminent expulsion. “Operation Wetback” didn’t just escort illegal immigrants to the U.S.-Mexico border, the common practice now. It used buses, trains, railroad and even planes to dump those captured deep into the Mexican interior, where most had no family ties but work, in theory, was plentiful.

Illegal immigration became a problem during the Second World War when labor shortages left farmers shorthanded.  A plan to bring laborers in from Mexico for a short time, called the Bracero Program, alleviated some of the shortage.  However, many farmers continued to hire and pay illegals.

When the program ended, Eisenhower declared success and both sides of the border focused on shoring up the Bracero Program, which continued for another decade.

Mass deportation is possible but as noted:

his plan would face monumental court challenges – and fierce political opposition — that would likely delay or block implementation for months, maybe years.

Yes, even the thought of a successful plan to enforce current immigration law makes liberals nervous.


  1. Dudley DoRight. says

    Start as soon as possible

  2. The Left and all the faux-altruistic immigration special interests living on the backs of you know who, like blood suckers, simply recoil from the truth about our immigration chaos like vampires from the dawn. I will vote for Trump, if he makes the grade, mostly because of his stance on immigration. It is time for reality to set in in the good old USA, while it still is the good old USA, and way over time to dump, disregard and otherwise disenfranchise all those blood suckers who thrive on the backs of illegal aliens. They are a disgraceful rabble and their time to get stomped on should be right now.

  3. sherri palmer says

    How about cutting off benefits, they would haul asses!

  4. sherri palmer says

    …sponsored by the democratic party, but paid for unwillingly by the American taxpayer!

  5. All Trump would have to do is make E-Verify mandatory with huge fines for any business caught employing illegals and do it by executive order. When the jobs dry up they’ll leave and won’t come back.

  6. Amen! I truly believe he is a man of God that will get our country back to God

  7. That was the way in the 50’s to the 70’s. In the plant next to where my husband worked in Chicago, when the Government came to check cards the illegals went running like rats from a burning bldg.. The ones caught never came back because of the law. Our borders went over ran then. Obama is the cause of that. The Anti-Christ starting the beginning of the end, unless God sees our country turning back to him

  8. Yes, liberals will balk at every turn however, the law is the law within our land and the President and Congress therefore have all they need for implementation. I think the ONLY WAY that even farm workers should be allowed in temporarily is if the unemployment within American borders is at ZERO!

  9. and stop or put a tax on sending USD into mexico then cut off all welfare benefits to illegals AND THEIR CHILDREN. when they are born to mexican nationals send them to the mexican government to pay for them its insane to keep paying for this & thats every country coming here to have instant citizens to use to collect welfare & get the whole family legal has to stop

  10. Yeah, they’re taking us to the cleaners for sure. Is it any wonder our nation is carrying so much debt. I am so sick and tired of hearing how much all of this Third World immigration is enriching America.

  11. Douglas Sands says

    100% right. i have said that alot of times over the years an it doesn’t mean a thing. its to easy for air heads to figure out or want to spend time passing a law.

  12. Douglas Sands says

    i see 100s of the girls pushing baby carrages with a couple more walking along , nice clothes and phones all on welfare an no men around. the usa born babies go back to. not legal .they get welfare, make kids, work an send money orders back home to help their other family or to bring more over. BS stop it.

  13. Ike did it to open jobs for veterans….he was a true patriot who put his country and its citizens first!

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