Kasich Backs Illegal Alien Amnesty

GOP Presidential candidate John Kasich gave a full-throated endorsement of amnesty for illegal aliens before a crowd of Hispanic business executives.john kasich chair

Illegal immigrants are “a critical part of our society” and should be provided a route to amnesty, Republican presidential candidate John Kasich tells a coalition of Hispanic company executives.

“For those that are here that have been law abiding, God bless them,” he told the business group, which is a major advocate for expanded immigration.

“Then I think the [illegals] should have a path to legalization… I think that can pass,” Kasich said, using one of the euphemisms for granting legal residency to illegal immigrants.

The Ohio governor also claimed the illegal immigrants are skilled. The illegals “are a critical part of our society from doctors to engineers to lawyers– well, I don’t know if we need more of them [lawyers]– but we’ve got a lot of teachers, whatever,” he said.

Kasich also told the group that one of his top priorities is “expand[ing] the guest workers.”

As if the GOP needed another presidential candidate who supports amnesty for illegal aliens.


  1. Oh Well, he’s done…stick a fork in him. Wave bye bye John, you are no longer a viable candidate.

  2. He’s done. Time for this nut job to retire in Mexico.

  3. the American says

    TRUMP/CRUZ 2016….Well, kasuck….you were never relevant anyway, that’s why you poll near zero, no American will support any illegal alien nation destroying amnesty repuke.

  4. He doesn’t have a snowball’s chance in hell of getting elected, so I wouldn’t worry about him too much.

  5. johnfkostrubal says

    These individuals that support illegal immigration are traitors .
    Santorum for President, Steve King for Vice President .

  6. Reasons not to
    support John Kasich as a Republican candidate for president:

    At the CNN debate
    on 9/16/15 John Kasich said he would not tear up the Iran deal if elected
    president stating he would wait and see if Iran would violate any of the terms
    of the agreement/treaty. So, I guess when he sees the mushroom cloud he would
    take action. What part of DEATH TO AMERICA and DEATH TO ISRAEL does Kasich not
    understand? Kasich supports amnesty
    saying the USA should stop deporting illegals because he doesn’t think it’s
    “human” to deport them. Kasich supports taking in Syrian refugees, even though
    there is no way to vet them. And he would not shut down the government over
    defunding Planned Parenthood. He is reluctant to defund Planned Parenthood in
    Ohio, because he is concerned the Federal Government would cut Medicaid in his
    state, which may be a problem for him since, he was one of the governors who
    expanded Medicaid under Obamacare. So much for Kasich standing on principles. Apparently,
    he forgot there is a Pro-Life plank in the Republican Platform and Planned
    Parenthood is butchering babies for body parts for profit. BTW, it would be
    Hussein Obama who would be shutting down the government because of his support
    of the abortion mill Planned Parenthood. If Kasich is unwilling to call for and
    defund Planned Parenthood than he should just become a DemonRAT.

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