It’s Been One Month to the Day and Americans Still Don’t Know Who Shot and Killed Ashli Babbitt

The Democrats and Liz Cheney claim President Trump caused the riot on the Capitol one month ago on January 6th. Yet we don’t know definitely how the four Trump supporters died that day since we’ve seen no investigative reports. And, we haven’t seen an autopsy for Ashli Babbitt and so we don’t definitely know how she died. In addition, we have no idea who shot Ashli Babbitt.

The Democrats are convinced that President Trump was solely to blame for the riot that occurred on January 6th, the day Vice President Pence stabbed the President and America in the back. The Democrats chose to ignore the fact that Antifa was there and involved in the riots. Yet, in a matter of hours after the riot, the Democrats drafted impeachment papers convicting the President of instigating the riots with no evidence or investigative report to support their case.

The Democrats never considered the timing (President Trump was still speaking when the riots began), the players (Antifa held a rally nearby that day before the President was done speaking), or the lack of support for their claims (no report to date to support their claims). Democrats accused the President of lying about election fraud. They and their Big Media claim it never happened. And Liz Cheney and others agreed with the spontaneous and unfounded impeachment created by the lawless Democrats.

Despite the Democrats’ and Liz Cheney’s beliefs, Americans know very little about the riots on January 6th.

How many members of Antifa were there for example? We’ve identified a few possible candidates.

How did Ashli Babbitt and the three other Trump supporters die that day?

As for Babbitt, we still have not seen an autopsy and we don’t know who shot her. We’ve heard the investigators don’t believe the shooter should be charged but we don’t even know who he is or why the Washington DC police are withholding his name.

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