Dear Patriots,

Ted CruzDonald Trump, and Texas Senator Ted Cruz, are critical to bringing the illegal alien invasion into the spot light of political campaigning.

Without them, especially, Mr. Trump, there would be absolutely no discussion of the matter by either major party.  These two candidates are determined to bring America back under the rule of law insofar as U. S. immigration laws are concerned.  They also appear determined to set America on a course certain to economic, employment, and social recovery that haDonald Trumps deteriorated over the past several decades.

Look forward to hostiles from both the Democratic and Republican parties to launch repeated vicious attacks against these two candidates, in a concerted effort to marginalize and discredit them.

I am a registered Republican, but I must say I have become very disheartened by the immature and counter-productivity created by members of my own party who have thrown bomb after bomb at Mr. Trump and Sen. Cruz because they are trying to put the issue of chaotic illegal immigration into the public spotlight where it belongs.

My fear is that either Hillary Clinton, or a RINO Republican might be elected to the White House. In that case, there is really no point in expecting U.S. immigration laws to ever be enforced, and we can resign ourselves to the fact that we are going to be morphed “illegally” into a Latin American nation in quick order.

There will be no taking up arms against a wayward U.S. government, because Americans have grown accustomed to letting reprehensible political governors, and literal tyrants in office, do whatever “they” want to do without any conference with the electorate whatsoever.

Currently, about 20% of the population of Mexico resides illegally in the United States. Eventually, most of the Mexican and Central American populations will transfer themselves into our country and seize our infrastructure, our culture, our language, our rules of law, our way of life, and everything else that goes to a conquering army.

There will be no treaty. There will be no public referendum. There will be no consideration for U.S. citizens. There will only be a covert, Trojan horse invasion of the United States that will certainly change every thing reminiscent to our history, our heritage, and our domestic tranquility.

That is how nations have been conquered, without adversaries firing a shot, for thousands of years.

If we intend to be a sovereign nation, and be unencumbered by threats to our way of life, then we must actually enforce our laws…not just pretend to enforce them while the nation burns.

Jim Gilchrist,

Founder and President, The Minuteman Project


  1. “I … have become very disheartened by the immature and counter-productivity created by members of my own party.” Yep. Business-as-usual Repubs should all be thrown out this next general election, Boehner, McConnell, that idiot Priebus at the RNC, the whole lot. Oh yea, Rove too. These guys are totally irrelevant and worthless to good governance or good sense. They are owned by K Street. They gotta go.

  2. Frank W Brown says

    A nation without borders is NO LONGER a nation!

  3. Wayne Thorson says

    Trump or Cruz neither one have an original idea of stopping illegals from crossing the border. Trump wants to build a fence. Cruz wants to lock them up. There is 3000 miles of border. Just think of what it would cost the tax payer to put up 2300 miles of fence. There is 700 miles up now. How high do you want that fence? 24 feet? All you need is a 26 foot ladder and a 24 foot rope to get over it. Or dig a tunnel under it. This would be more tax payers money down the drain Cruz wants to lock them up. Now we are stuck with housing them, feeding them and looking after their health problems ect. The answer to the problem is so simple I don’t know why some smart politician doesn’t go for it. The answer is to fine every employer that hires one. Fine them good and put a bounty on it. Anyone who turns in an employer that’s hiring an illegal gets 50% of the fine. You will have illegals turning in illegals just to get that bounty. They know more than anybody else who is working illegally. They will turn in their cousin, uncle, brother or any relative to get that bounty. Then if the illegals aren’t doing all those jobs just thing of what it will do for the unemployment problem we have in this country. If this was enacted it would stop them from coming because that is the reason they come here in the first place. If there is no jobs they won’t come.

  4. ART L LINDMAN says

    What the Canadian lady said to the American reporter: What I love about Americans is…they don’t put up with Crap!…Must have been speaking of Trump and Cruz

  5. It will be the best money we ever spent. There will be guard towers, regular patrols and a ditch on the Mexican side. It is easy to angle the wall together with devices like electrified razor wire to stop ladders.

  6. Wayne Thorson says

    And what will that cost the tax payer? What’s to stop them from getting in a dingy and going out in the Gulf and coming into the U.S. that way? How deep are you going to dig that ditch? Privet helicopters will be a thriving business. Doesn’t my suggestion sound better? I have never had anyone give me a reason why that won’t work and it won’t cost the tax payers a dime.

  7. Maybe when these politicians start getting voted out of office and replaced with Latino politicians they’ll get what’s happening to the nation.

  8. Good idea go after the employers and make E-Verify mandatory so they won’t have any excuses. And make the Social Security department clean up their files to stop the identity theft.

  9. Jim Gilchrist says

    Build the dual-tiered fence along the remaining 1300 miles of border and use high tech surveillance and border patrol agents to protect it. That will work. All you have to do is actually build that fence.

    Also, enforce the E-verify laws and fine employers who hire illegal aliens.

  10. Jim Gilchrist says


    If we follow your negative attitude, then we should all give up trying to prevent illegal immigration? I have never known anyone with a negative attitude about a problem who could ever solve that problem.

    Think positive, patriot. Let the Cruz/Trump duo implement the solutions they recommend, which include some of your suggestions. They are good solutions…and will be very effective.

  11. Clean the House says

    Building a fence would be more cost effective than supporting them with foodstamps and medicaid. I say bullets and lots of them at the border. No other nation in the world tolerates this kind of invasion.

  12. Wayne Thorson says

    The reason they come here is for the jobs. If you eliminate the jobs there would be no desire to come here. My suggestion would work the best because it wouldn’t cost the tax payers anything. Fine the people who hire them and they won’t hire them. That fence and the upkeep of it would be very costly.

  13. Wayne Thorson says

    I don’t have a negative attitude. I don’t for the life of me know where they have ever included some of my suggestions. If they did I want to know which ones they have included. You didn’t mention any. Mine would work where their idea won’t. Fine the employers and they won’t hire any illegals.

  14. Wayne Thorson says

    Do you have any idea what it would cost to build that fence which won’t do a lick of good. Eliminate the jobs they come here for and they won’t come. Go back and read my suggestion.

  15. Ellie Reichel says

    Build the damn wall. TRUMP. 2016 !!

  16. Dudley DoRight. says

    Trump 2016

  17. Jim Gilchrist says

    Build the fence AND enforce laws against illegal alien employers. The fence will cost 6 to 8 billion dollars. Cheap price to pay compared to the $380 billion annual cost of sustaining the illegal alien population of over 30 million people.

  18. Wayne Thorson says

    Eliminate the jobs and it won’t cost the tax payers anything. What makes more sense.

  19. Jesse Gray says

    I have been reading this thread, and I agree with Wayne about not wasting taxpayer money building a fence, with guard towers, patrols, electrified fence, razors. As a taxpayer that is not what I want to spend our nations money on. I agree though not fully with Wayne that the way to incentivize legal immigration is to go after employers and illegal immigrants. Also why not reform the immigration laws. If someone from Mexico knows that in order to adjust status he must 20+ years before his application will ripen what kind of incentive does that person have to come legally?

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