Illegals Up In Arms Over Three Commonsense Oregon Initatives

Illegal alien zealots are whining and stamping their feet over three commonsense state-level initiatives set for the 2016 ballot in the state of Oregon.

Their three proposals would make English the state’s official language, require people to provide proof of citizenship when registering to vote, and make employers verify workers’ legal status.oregon lp's

The state legislature would not even consider legislation like this:

The language measure would prohibit public employers from requiring workers to speak anything other than English. Exceptions would include language teachers, lawyers and medical workers. The measure would also require that state business be conducted in English. For the most part, it already is.

The voter registration proposal would make people present a passport, birth certificate or some other proof of citizenship to register.

The last measure would require businesses to use the federal E-Verify program to check whether prospective workers are in the country legally. Employers who don’t could be banned from doing business in Oregon.

Illegal alien lobbying groups are already trying to spin the initiatives. Andrea Miller, director of something known as Causa is leading the charge to prevent these measures from passing.

Miller said the voter registration proposal would kill community registration drives. The language measure, she said, could make it harder for people who don’t speak English to get information on government services, although the wording makes it hard to tell exactly what might change.

She said all three are hostile toward immigrants.


Despite Oregon’s generally pro-illegal alien political establishment, a 2014 initiative to give driver’s licenses to illegals was roundly defeated.

Initiative supporters point out the benefits of these measures:

“If you want to be successful in the United States, you pretty much have to speak English,” Nearman said. “When we coddle people, we’re not doing them any favors.”

As for voter registration, Nearman said asking for proof of citizenship seems “pretty obvious.” Under Oregon’s new motor-voter law, people will be automatically registered when they get or renew their driver’s license — which requires providing proof of citizenship. But those who register by mail or online need only say they’re U.S. citizens — though lying is a felony.

It’s very likely these three measures will be on the ballot in November.


  1. Frank W Brown says

    And I will be promoting them extensively, because ILLEGAL is ILLEGAL! And I’m damn tired of libTARDS PC!

  2. joeupyoursCS says

    illegal aliens best friend,liberal-demoRATS,OBAMA!

  3. How dare those Americans do such a thing!!!Who do they think they are? They’re acting like they own this country, or something……..To quote our Dear Leader, “That’s not who we are!” Although, personally, that’s who I am…………..

  4. take the drivers license info and hold it aside as then in 2016 it will make it easier to find and deport them:}

  5. They should add a 4th: Children born to illegal invaders are not automatic U. S. citizens.

  6. Maybe I should move to Oregon!!!

  7. I’ve been thinking about the 2016 election a lot in regards to voter fraud. I’m sure it already exists, but I fear it’s only going to get worse. And the Democrats will do whatever it takes to facilitate it.

  8. sherri palmer says

    and it should be retroactive to 1986!

  9. sherri palmer says

    illegals are arrogant asses just like Obama!

  10. sherri palmer says

    Great idea!

  11. Just maybe the brain dead are realizing the internal.and external threats we face. PC has been used to stiffle debate and labels used to marginalize dissent. By codifing these issues clear lines and laws are enacted that protect all.

  12. sherri palmer says

    Their word should not count for anything, they should not be allowed to congregate, demonstrate, appear in courts to protest their ‘right’ to be here…etc! Wherever they congregate, demonstrate, they should be put in vans and locked up followed by deportation! Tell them they will not be allowed to re-enter our country, they will not be allowed to stay and will not be given anything not even a slice of bread….we have a water shortage…no sense giving it to them.

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