How Radical Leftists Plan to Turn Illegals Into Political Power

The Daily Caller has obtained a series of Power Point slides showing exactly how a shadowy network of leftist pressure groups plans to convert illegal aliens into legal voters and then into an unstoppable political machine.

Created by the Committee for Immigration Reform Implementation, they show step-by-step how this group, along with many others, will transform illegal immigrants into voting machines for their agenda.

They intend to recruit, train and turn loose an army of “volunteers” who will identify, educate and mobilize as many illegals as possible,

A slide titled “Path To Power” breaks down the number of illegal immigrants, legal immigrants, naturalized citizens and citizens with foreign-born parents, and the percentage of each eligible for citizenship or who qualify for benefits under Obama’s executive orders.

They are not shy about the ultimate goal of Obama’s amnesty:

Another slide outlines the plan for navigators to organize, rally and educate legal and illegal immigrants, and to help them with legal advice, so that “millions gain relief,” “orgs gain capacity,” and “leaders are empowered.”

This is a widespread operation, funded by organizations which are not primarily concerned with illegal immigration.

More than 20 organizations are part of the coalition, including the AFL-CIO, Catholic Legal Immigration Network, SEIU, the American Bar Association Commission on Immigration, and Center for Migration Studies.

Their goal is to “maximize the successful adjustment of status of eligible immigrants through legislation or executive action.”

I wonder if the laborers who are forced to subsidize the AFL-CIO know a portion of their dues are going to illegals who will be competing for thier jobs or if lawyers know the Bar Association is openly assisting known criminals.


  1. greyhound bus says

    these Left people call the police and accuse the non left people of something so they go to jail and cant vote against them

  2. no benefits for wetbacks

  3. sherri palmer says

    we should call them wetbacks and anything else we want, they are in OUR country! Most of the time I refer to them as piss pots, they smell!

  4. The wetbacks have come here to mooch

  5. jdelaney3 says

    More details on “how” the left plans to enable illegals to vote would be helpful.

  6. Surprise they already have , long ago , wake up !

  7. Geez, just look around ? it is everywhere if you are awake ?

  8. jdelaney3 says

    What I’m saying is that it would be instructive if readers understood exactly how the illegals would “qualify” as voters at the poll and escape sanction. What kind of numbers are we actually looking at, and in what States? Obviously, where voter ID laws are lax and nefarious Democratic volunteers are pushing hard, there may well be many illegal voters to nullify both my and your vote. It’s something we must all be more fully aware of so we can stop it. Being fully informed and being “awake” are two different matters.

  9. jdelaney3 says

    How many and where? WE all need to know this in order to have a better chance of stopping it.

  10. cherokeeman says

    Open season on illegals????

  11. This really isn’t anything new, it’s been going on even before Obama got into office. But, it’s good that people are being reminded of how corrupt our voting system has become.

  12. Polling places tend to be in peoples’ neighborhoods. So, most likely Mexicans are running the voting booths and are helping them vote illegally.

  13. I work the polls, and don’t see how that could happen. Any examples? Again, we need to know how to prevent illegal voting, but to do so we must be vigilant and understand how the Dems plan to do it, and how they may have done it in the past.

  14. In the past they’ve done with stolen identities, now they’ll get drivers licenses and at many DMVs they’ll be able to register. California comes to mind. It is possible. Where I live we had a cop who turned out to be an illegal from Mexico. And he was on the force for 10yrs. before it was discovered.

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