Father Of Black Teenager Murdered By Illegal Alien Asks ‘Do Black Lives Really Matter?’

Daily Caller — The father of a black teenager murdered by an illegal immigrant asked “do black lives really matter?” in a House hearing to review the Department of Homeland Security’s policies towards “non-citizens unlawfully present in the United States.”

That father, Jamiel Shaw, and Michael Ronnebeck, the uncle of another man murdered earlier this month by an illegal immigrant, testified at Wednesday’s hearing in front of a subcommittee of the U.S. House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform.

Both men asserted that Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s (ICE) lax detainment policies contributed to the death of their family members. ICE came under intense scrutiny last year when it was revealed that in 2013 the agency had released over 36,000 convicted criminal aliens from its custody. Of those, nearly 200 had committed murder.

Shaw told of his son, Jamiel Shaw II, who in May 2008 at the age of 17 was gunned down by Pedro Espinoza, a 19-year-old illegal Mexican immigrant.

“My family’s peace and freedom were stolen by an illegal alien from Mexico. He was brought here by his illegal alien parents,” Shaw told the hearing, chaired by Florida U.S. Rep. Ron DeSantis.

Shaw described that his son, a standout football and track star in Los Angeles, was walking down his own street when he was accosted by Espinoza and a friend.

Shaw said that it was proved in court that Espinoza — who was in a Latino gang — targeted his son because he was black.

“Do black lives really matter? Or does it matter only if you are shot by a white person or a white a policeman?” the elder Shaw asked during his testimony, referencing a phrase that became popular following the police-involved deaths of two black men, Michael Brown and Eric Garner.

Espinoza — who was eventually sentenced to death in the murder — had three gun charges on his record and had served only four months of an eight month sentence for assault with a deadly weapon and battery of a police officer. He was released from jail the day before he murdered Shaw.

Jamiel Shaw II

“Why was this violent illegal alien allowed to walk the streets of America instead of being deported?” Shaw asked.

“Why was ICE not called to pick up this violent invader? We were promised that the federal government would keep us safe from violent illegal aliens?”

“I see in here black politicians, black athletes, black stars say ‘hands up, don’t shoot,”” Shaw said referencing another slogan adopted by Brown and Garner protesters. “My son was shot in the head by an illegal alien gangbanger while he lay on his back with his hands up. He still shot him through his hand and into his head and killed him.”

“The duty of the U.S. government is to always put American families first,” Shaw concluded.

The House panel then heard testimony from Ronnebeck.

His nephew, 21-year-old Grant Ronnebeck, was murdered last month while working an overnight shift at a Mesa, Ariz. convenience store.

Apolinar Altamirano, a 29-year-old illegal immigrant who claimed to have ties to the Mexican Mafia, shot Ronnebeck in the face while purchasing a pack of cigarettes.

In Aug. 2012 he was arrested along with two others after kidnapping, sexually assaulting and burglarizing a woman in her apartment.

Grant Ronnebeck

He pleaded guilty to felony burglary and was sentenced to two years probation and turned over to ICE.

But ICE released him on bond pending a deportation hearing.

In that time, he had two orders of protection filed against him — one of which was by a women who claimed Altamirano threatened to kill her and pointed a gun at her boyfriend.

ICE was notified of the protection orders, but Altamirano “was still allowed to be free in our country,” Ronnebeck said.

“ICE should be doing its job for the American people with the America people’s safety and security first and foremost in mind,” Ronnebeck said in emotional testimony.

Also testifying Wednesday was Jessica Vaughan, a policy director at the Centers for Immigration Studies, who called ICE’s detainment policies and procedures nothing more than a “catch and release program.”

She also blamed the Obama administration for further weakening the agency’s resolve to detain and deport dangerous illegal immigrants.

“The vast majority of illegal aliens residing in the interior face no threat of deportation, regardless of when or how they arrived, or if they have been deported before,” Vaughan said in a prepared statement. “Many deportable aliens who are encountered and apprehended by Immigration and Customs Enforcement officers are released soon after, even if they have come to ICE’s attention after being arrested by local authorities.”

“This state of affairs can be traced directly to policy changes put in place by the Obama administration. While administration officials claims that these policies are ‘smarter and more effective’ and allow the agencies to better focus on aliens who represent a threat to the public, in reality the intent, and certainly the result, has been the dismantlement of effective enforcement.”

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  1. The Mexican Revolution to overthrow Maximillian has been succeeded by several others. Each was designed to move the Mexican Government further to the left—the resultant was further enrichment of the “upper class” while hapless Peons became poorer. I have maintained for years that Trotsky’s killing in the outskirts of Mexico City contributed to these political ventures; curiously no one has ever expressed another possible reason. Another curiosity is the similarity between the Mexican Revolutions and the political strife we in this Country face have many similarities; the continued attacks on Christianity and the dumbing down of our education system are but two of the very significant similarities. How do I know? My ancestors received a land grant from the King of Spain in what in now New Mexico for the help they provided in riding Spain and Sicily of the Muslim occupation that continued from 711 AD until 1492. Anyone care to respond?

  2. DenisetheCelt says

    Truthfully – Black lives don’t matter at all. Mestizos are being brought into the USA to replace Blacks, and serve as the permanent Helots of the Sheldon Adelson crowd.

  3. DenisetheCelt says

    Correct. ALL of these Communist “revolutions” are created to oust the natural authority of the indigenous aristocracy, and replace them with the Tyrannical Tribe of the Talmud. The peon Goyim are turned into the literal slaves of the State.
    Lev Bronstein – well when there are no Goyim left to slaughter, they invariably devour their own.
    FYI – Jews financed the Moorish – African Muslim – invasion of Spain. In some cases Jews opened the gates of cities to the invaders. When good BLOND Gothic King Ferdinand, and flame-haired beauty Queen Isabella “took their country back” – they found the Moorish courts CRAWLING with oh-so-helpful Jewish “advisors”.
    Flash forward 500 years – the money behind the African Muslim Obama is strictly kosher – and you may wonder why so many of his cabinet members and appointees look like synagogue has just let out.

  4. The illegal bastds are roaming our beloved country as free as they please while the POtuS (who could care less) and his family are protected by his bevy of suited and armed bozos.

  5. These deaths are a tragic situation for these people and their families, but who is to blame for this occurrence? I’d like to ask Mr. Shaw and Mr. Ronnebeck who they voted for to be our President in 2008 and 2012? What ICE has been doing is criminal, but they are only obeying their orders from Obama, and ICE would prefer to do their jobs as they did under the last President Bush, and then none of these situations would have occurred. Obama just this week gave an interview where he threatened that if any of the people working for ICE, or any other federal government agency, didn’t follow his immigration policies, including this policy that Mr. Shaw and Mr. Ronnebeck are complaining about, that they would suffer the consequences that he would make sure they would receive. As far as the worth of black lives, Mr. Shaw and Mr. Ronnebeck should investigate how many black people are killed each year in the USA, especially the young black people, and then look at who it was that killed them, and I’m sure they’ll find it was other black people that killed more than 80% of them, while the remaining 20% probably killed by Latinos, who most all of them are here illegally and allowed to stay no matter how many laws they break because that is Obama’s policy and that’s how Obama wants ICE and all other federal government agencies to deal with them, when caught, release them and never bother them again. As Obama has said, elections have consequences, and Mr. Shaw and Mr. Ronnebeck are experiencing those consequences, because each person Obama defeated in order to become President and set up these insane and criminal policies, that are causing the untimely deaths of many American citizens, were opposed vehemently by Obama’s opposition candidates for President. So who did Mr. Shaw and Mr. Ronnebeck vote for, for if it was for Obama, they got what they voted for, but unfortunately thousands of these illegal immigrant murders of US citizens were done to people who voted for Obama’s opponent for President, and had they won, none of this would be occurring. The only thing that I know that Obama ever got right in his over six years as President is his statement that ‘Elections have Consequences’, and all of the American people are suffering from the consequences of Obama being elected President, and it’s much more than just these illegal immigrant murderers killing our citizens, but also failed domestic, financial, and foreign policies too.

  6. since Obama gave the illegals the key to the mint this one was just making sure he had a place in line for all of the goodies barry promised him.

  7. I am sorry for your loss. You have paid a very dear price. Since over 90% of blacks voted for Obomination, let’s put the blame where it belongs..I am presuming you support this man who allows illegal aliens to become a teeming flood polluting our country.

  8. John Henry says

    The answer to “do black lives really matter?” is this:
    1. The Obama Administration and the Democratic party already have your votes, Blacks will vote for other blacks over anyone else, no matter how corrupt that black who is running is every time. Blacks will vote for Democrats with the hope of further Government benefits over some one who wants to give them better opportunities to find work and live the American dream.

    2. The Obama Administration and the Democratic Party only finds black lives worthy of their time and attention when it can further their agenda, especially against whites who use lethal force to defend themselves, and to eliminate guns in the hands of citizens.

    3. The Obama Administration and the Democratic party is now trying to get the votes of 11Million illegals already here in the country, and they are working to import even more Democratic votes from south of the border. In light of this Black lives take a lower tier position, and will not be found of worth to spend time and attention unless a white cop is once again killing a black man, while on duty and defending himself or others.

  9. Jim Gilchrist says

    Dear Readers,

    I have met Jamiel Shaw, Sr. several times. I can assure you that he is no Obama supporter. He supports only those who take seriously the enforcement of U.S. immigration laws.

    Mr Shaw’s goal is to prevent what happened to his 17-year-old son (murder by illegal alien) from happening to others.

    Jim Gilchrist

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