Despite GOP pressure, Donald Trump not backing off immigration rhetoric

By Steve Peoples, The Associated Press


WASHINGTON — Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump says he’s not going away.

A day after the Republican National Committee chairman asked the reality television star to tone down his rhetoric, Trump refused to back off his portrayal of Mexican immigrants as criminals. At the same time, he vowed to file paperwork next week ensuring he would qualify for next month’s Republican presidential debate, where his hardline immigration policies could emerge as a focus on national television.

Trump said Thursday that his Republican competitor Jeb Bush is “a joke” for suggesting that Mexican immigrants cross the border illegally as “an act of love.”

“This has nothing to do with love,” Trump said in an interview airing Thursday on Fox News Channel’s “Hannity.” ”They are taking people that should be in Mexican prisons, Mexican jails and they are pushing them over to the United States. These are dangerous people.”

Republican leaders worry that the outspoken businessman is hurting the party’s standing with minority voters — particularly the nation’s surging Hispanic population — months before voting begins in the 2016 presidential contest.

Trump described Mexican immigrants as “rapists” and “criminals” in his announcement speech last month that prompted various concerned business interests to cut ties with him. He doubled down on the characterization repeatedly this week, highlighting the case of a Mexican immigrant in the country illegally who was recently charged in aCalifornia murder.

Leading Republicans were slow to condemn his remarks in recent weeks as many hoped their inattention would help him fade from the headlines. It did not. And as he instead began to dominate the 2016 debate, Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus’ chief of staff arranged a phone call between the chairman and Trump on Wednesday, according to Trump campaign manager Corey Lewandowski.

Trump said the phone call lasted 12 or 13 minutes.

“He really called to congratulate me on being number one in a lot of polls,” he said in the Fox interview. “He just couldn’t have been nicer.”

Priebus also told Trump the Republican Party had been working hard to make inroads with minority voters, who could play a critical role in the 2016 presidential contest, Lewandowski said in an interview with The Associated Press.

“Priebus said, ‘I’d appreciate it if you could tone down your rhetoric about illegal immigrants coming across border and killing Americans,'” recounted Lewandowski, who spoke directly to Trump about the conversation. “Mr. Trump said, this is an issue the American people care about, and I’m going to continue to talk about it.'”

Trump seemed to relish the latest dispute, posting a supporter’s Twitter message on his account Thursday that read, “Keep throwing those giant hand grenades into the amnesty debate. You’re pissing off all the right people in the GOP.”

House Speaker John Boehner became the latest high-profile Republican to condemn Trump on Thursday, but suggested congressional inaction was partly to blame.

“I disagree with Mr. Trump’s comments, and frankly I think when you look at the presidential candidates they’ve already pretty well made their position clear,” Boehner said when asked to weigh in. Illegal immigration, he continued, “has become the biggest political football I’ve seen in my congressional career.”

He added, “It’s not going to get resolved by Congress sticking their heads in the sand.”

Asked if the House will act on any immigration legislation this year, Boehner responded, “I would hope so.”

Lewandowski said Trump would file his personal financial disclosure forms next week, showing a net worth of $11 billion. Such a disclosure is necessary for Republican candidates wishing to participate in the GOP’s first debate on Aug. 6, according to guidelines released by organizers Thursday.

“It’s very clear that Trump is going to be on the debate stage,” Lewandowski said.


Associated Press writer Erica Werner contributed to this report.


  1. scarlettny says

    You Donald, are the fresh air this country has needed since Ovomit got into the WH. I love listening to what you have to say. To bad the other candidates aren’t paying attention to a good style of presenting the truth. They would rather try to take a bite out of your ankles.


  3. uchsamin says

    Screw the established socialist politicians who go along to get along. We need to back Trump because he has the courage to call it like it is.

  4. ClarenceDeBarrows says

    The American Citizens who have felt, for decades, that there is really no one to vote for who represents their ideas finally, in Trump, have someone who excites them. The main stream media, in conjunction with the Powers That Be who have dominated our political scene for years, are simply beside themselves as they are concerned that Trump’s rhetoric in a debate is going to cause them to have to talk of the issues that really concern the American voter – ethnicity notwithstanding. The Republican Party, as is the Democrat Party, is a “go along to get along” organization which has been more concerned with its own perpetuation than with that of our Constitution and the rule of law. We have the laws on the books to solve these border, and other problems, it’s just that to do so takes political back bone. For that (backbone) to manifest among most of our elected representatives today would be tantamount to an occurance of “an anomaly of spine in an invertebrate world”. Trump represents that anomaly and the Citizens are taking heart as the Powers That Be are running scared.

  5. donald bows to no one.not like the ineligible treasonous war crimes racist muslum terrorists in the wh,and his unconstitituional adminstration.go donald stick to your convications.everyone we know likes what you our saying.not like the establishment who all do nothing but talk,and continue to steal our money,the legal american taxpayers monies.god bless all legal american veterans/citizens

  6. Jeanne Stotler says

    He only says what most think, illegals is what he’s reffering to, we have Immigration laws and they need to be enforced, here illegally you should be deported, and they TAKE jobs from hard working Americans. My sons are painters and lucky to get one days work a week, the others go to illegals, no one enforces the laws on the books/

  7. perhaps someone should mention that it is a crime to use a social security number that does not belong to you and it is a crime to falsely claim child tax credits…so when Trump says there are many criminals he s got that right!

  8. SaneZidane says

    House Speaker John Boehner became the latest high-profile Republican to condemn Trump on Thursday

    Harrumpff…just another corrupt RINO talking out of both sides of his mouth. No other presidential GLOP wannabe’s are being clear on immigration. Trump is! Secure the border is a pretty clear statement that We the People understand.
    If anyone has any doubt bout how correct and truthful Trump is, take a peek and weep at what our government is doing to it’s citizens which also includes LEGAL Mexicans and Latinos.

  9. jerry1944 says

    There isnt many in the gop that is as honest as Trump He would be better than mostof the mods the gop has running I am a T Cruz person but i could vote for Trump But the gop and run a honest person are a conservative They would rather lose and that how we got obambo the gop running there mods

  10. jerry1944 says

    The bonehead and old mitch is the biggest trouble the gop has up there He even punished conservatives that dont go along with him Mitch and his group sent ppl to Miss to buy dem vote for there mod over the Tea Party canidate It might take more than Trump to fix that crawling group

  11. Frank W Brown says

    I can’t wait to see Trump destroy all RINOs on stage in the debates, Americans are finding out that they LIKE someone who tells them the UNVARNISHED TRUTH, and are tired of the status quo LIARS!

  12. Frank W Brown says

    When Trump say’s build a wall, WE should ask HOW TALL!

  13. Elmer Fredrick says

    GO DONALD GO….FORGET the G O P …they are a DEAD PARTY , Part OF THE democruds now !! Jeb is a HAS BEEN !

  14. Elmer Fredrick says


  15. Elmer Fredrick says

    TRUMP for PRESIDENT lets get the GARBAGE out of the White House & FLUSH it DOWN the TOILET with the rest of the CRAP

  16. Elmer Fredrick says


  17. Teryll Baker says

    Every time I go to another article concerning Donald Trump I see more and more people declaring they are on his side and are supporting him wholeheartedly. Thousands of people and It’s amazing but that’s what; every once in a while; brings America a Savior and we get on the right track for a time. People like Ronald Reagan; who the Lamestream Media and Progressives attacked mercilessly before the People spoke! I just hope all you people in the silent majority are serious and vote when you have the chance. It’s your time, don’t blow it. Register to vote if you haven’t already, we are going to need you — God Bless you and God Bless America!

  18. GO TRUMP make these RINO candidates get off the fence. They all skirt around the edges afraid to open their mouth and speak the truth like you do !!!!

  19. i support legal immigration, these mexicans surely don,t want to immigrate at a rate that turns our culture into the culture they are trying to escape also why arn.t we allowing endangered christians to immigrate from the middle east where their lives are in danger

  20. Democrats=Totalitarian’s…..Characterized by a government in which the political authority exercises absolute and centralized

    control “a totalitarian regime crushes all autonomous institutions in its drive to seize the human soul” Of or

    relating to the principles of totalitarianism according to which the state regulates every realm of life and is gonna be

    brought about in full by the Bilderberg Group of which Hillary is a member and which was behind the assassination

    of JFK:

  21. All I can say is TRUMP watch your back !! These democrats have been proven to know no bounds in silencing their enemies.

  22. Ain’t that the TRUTH !!!

  23. TexRancher says

    Trump may be just what this country needs to turn it around and back to a nation of laws. They’re scared that he can’t be controlled like so many in the Republican party who are just as quick to sell us out as are the socialists in the “former democrat” party! They certainly can’t buy him. (A breath of fresh air)

    Electing another TRAITOR to AMERICANS is the death pill for this country and Trump is the only one right now talking at all about it! He sees clearly that the socialists are trying to stack the deck against us by using ILLEGAL INVADERS no matter how they got here. There are some advocating allowing foreign nationals to vote in our elections. How insane is that? They are TRAITORS as well . Election fraud is big on their list for the next election and we cannot allow it. Violators must go to jail for it!

  24. Barbaracvm says

    Should Trump back away from his stand he will loose the election right now! Trump is stating what most of the LEGAL citizens of the US think.

  25. The only Republican I will vote for is Trump. The rest of them are clowns, especially Jeb Bush. Otherwise, I just won’t bother to waste my time voting at all.

  26. Oh, but those laws only apply to Americans.

  27. Jim Gilchrist says

    Dear GOP,

    As a long-time registered Republican and supporter of GOP candidates, I must warn you that if the GOP continues to insult and attack Donald Trump for all the foolish reasons they have already done so, then I will pull my support of the GOP. However, I will continue to support Mr. Trump in his pursuit of the nomination for president.

    I have had it with the silly bickering and counter-productive infighting antics of political hopefuls who just want to bash their competitors.

    Donald Trump is a bold and courageous gentleman who has shown frankness and honesty in his rhetoric, unlike most political candidates in the Democrat and Republican parties.

    Leave your fellow GOP candidates alone and let them come on the stage to fulfill aspirations to run for president.

    Jim Gilchrist, Founder and President, The Minuteman Project

  28. Jim Gilchrist says

    The annual cost of sustaining the impoverished illegal alien population families of about 30 million people is about $380 BILLION…each year…and going up. Yes, almost one-half trillion dollars each year. Go figure $18 Trillion in accumulated national debt.

  29. Jim Gilchrist says

    Well stated. Thank you.

  30. Jim Gilchrist says

    My experience in politics tells me that Trump should also be very wary of fellow Republicans who want to elbow him out of the race because of his popularity.

    Stay tuned for the hate speech that will be conducted against him by the GOP.

    Honestly, I have had more attacks brought against me by so-called fellow Republicans than I ever have from the Democrats. I think the Dems do not want to start a firestorm of debate over illegal immigration by attacking me. They always get their fannies whipped when they subsequently debate me on the issue.

    Meanwhile, adversarial Republicans who want me “out of the way” have constantly waged their little wars upon me. And I’m a registered Republican, for crying out loud! Go figure.

    It is only a small segment of fanatical GOP renegades who have attacked me, but they are envious of anyone who might interfere with their notoriety and fame.

  31. sherri palmer says

    They are trying to kick Trump out of the debates, trying to make him look less potent…These rag tag, no good, bribed, politicians are scared to death, because they see that Trump is kicking their asses! Don’t stop, Trump! Keep on going, America needs you! We are tired of the lying, manipulative, spineless, Obama ass kissing, refuse to get the votes that they need to impeach Obama, everyday career politicians! Serves them right! They have been silent on the real truths about illegal immigration and they only want to give amnesty! Americans have had enough…enemies in the congress, in the senate, in the oval office and all over America sponging off us and have no respect for Americans! Trump will be the end to their gravy train! thank you, Donald Trump!

  32. sherri palmer says

    Boehner is two faced and time for him and McConnolly to go!

  33. So refreshing and even hopeful to hear Trump truthfully and unapologetically addressing the issues – especially immigration, which is a huge scourge on the CITIZENS of the USA, from wherever they hail.

  34. I bet the Republican National Committee will make sure he doesn’t get to speak. The are limiting the number of candidates that can participate in the debates.

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