Conservative icon Phyllis Schlafly shot down the arguments of those pro-illegal alien politicians who say millions of illegal can’t be deported.
“Every time they say, ‘You can’t deport these people, in my mind’s eye, I see th
e picture of those railroad cars carrying the illegals out of our country when Eisenhower deported them. They say it was a failure. It wasn’t at all,” Schlafly told WND in an exclusive interview.
“In my mind’s eye, I see those railroad cars full of illegals going south. That’s what they ought to do.”
Schlafly was referencing the 1954 campaign in which President Dwight Eisenhower sent home 3 million illegal aliens and sealed the U.S.-Mexico border. Eisenhower appointed retired Gen. Joseph “Jumpin’ Joe” Swing to arrange for buses and trains to take the illegals deep into Mexico and release them. Thousands more were shipped by boat. The campaign actually convinced many illegals to return to their home countries on their own.
The longtime conservative leader also pointed the blame for the current state of immigration policy squarely at the President.
“Obama wants to change the character of our country,” Schlafly charged, reacting to an expose highlighted at the top of The Drudge Report on Friday.
“These people come in and have no comprehension of our constitutional system, of limited government, of the people being in control, and I think it’s very tragic,” she continued.
“We had a wonderful country of freedom and prosperity, and that’s why everyone in the world wants to come here. But we can’t let everyone in the world in. And we need to be very persnickety about who we let in. We only want people who love America and want to be American.”
This same mentality drives the President’s scheme to swing open the border to thousands of terrorist-infused Muslim “refugees.”
Schlafly said Obama’s plan to flood the U.S. with unscreened foreigners “certainly isn’t American,” and she never thought she’d see the day when a U.S. president failed to do his duty to protect the nation.
“I never did. Even the ones I didn’t vote for, I think, would have stood up for America,” Schlafly said. “Obama has told us that he doesn’t believe America should be thought of as better or exceptional. … Obama has a mystique about him, and he continues to go down what I think is the wrong path. We need a leader who’s going to stand up for America.”
Many politicians – Democrat and Republican – argue that the U.S. has a duty to accept “refugees.”
But Schlafly isn’t having any of that “ridiculous” nonsense.
“These ideas that they’re putting out, that we have some obligation to admit all these people, are just ridiculous,” she said. “We don’t have an obligation to admit anybody. A country that doesn’t have borders isn’t a country. We need to have borders.”