Commentary from Jim Gilchrist defending free speech for Santa Barbara, Ca. newspaper

California Newspaper Stands Its Ground On Free Speech — a commentary by Jim Gilchrist
Dear Americans and free speech proponents,

The Santa Barbara News-Press will set a long overdue precedent of defying politically correct speech, which in itself is “censorship.”

For decades the U.S. media has cowered to intimidation from sinister reactionaries who would have all of us goose-stepping at their whim.

Yes, America, fascism does come from the extremist elements of either side of an argument, especially from the anti-free speech Left.

Anyone who is in favor of free speech, freedom of thought, and freedom to assemble, please converge on the Santa Barbara News-Press to provide a 24/7 watch over its property and personnel to defend them from physical attack by the fascist Left fanatics.

Inform the Santa Barbara Police Department of who you are so the police do not mistake you for vandals. Whatever you do, stay within the rule of law and cooperate with the Santa Barbara P.D.
Meanwhile, continue referring to illegal aliens as what they are: illegal aliens. Do not compromise your freedom of speech, like many news outlets have done. That conduct only sets the foundation for social engineers to further suppress your freedom to think, speak, or assemble in public. You could not get more anti-American than that.

Jim Gilchrist, President, The Minuteman Project


  1. Belladonnacotton says

    Press shall not be silence or manipulated. it should cover all sides of every politition and issue.

  2. Rob theisen says

    Unfortunately Obama has most of the mainstream media in his back pocket..I mean Obama could murder someone in the middle of the street and organizations like CNN would some how make it out to be the Republicans fault..

  3. They know better than get all uppity in their own countries and when the people here wise up they’ll know better here too.

  4. Own countries? We are nearly all US citizens.

  5. Abraham Lizama says

    May you all rot in Anglo Saxon Hitler heaven

  6. Abraham Lizama says

    They should at least treat people as human beings not property. That’s just childish just like this website.

  7. Abraham Lizama says

    Obama also has white grandparents! I thought he was really black for a bit, the I realized he is just a hybrid of old white people and young uncle toms.

  8. Rob theisen says

    He certainly hasn’t helped unemployment in the Black community..His executive amnesty is going to have more devastating effects on African American unemployment…

  9. sherri palmer says

    they would say that republicans are racists

  10. To Abe below: ‘this nation (USA) screwed up their resources’ meaning what? If USA business people with USA government approval did business with their business people, with their government’s approval, then how is that USA Joe sixpack’s fault, with his Chevy and house that you claim he’ll never own?
    If those people living in poverty in those countries are getting screwed it is by their own governments and businesses. They should get the guts to confront them and not expect to walk across our borders demanding handouts and special names for their illegal intrusion.
    Politically correct euphemisms aren’t a constitutional right or an excuse to destroy and loot. Hopefully in 2016 we rid the whitehouse of the apologists and stop giving free stuff to all the arrogant and defiant haters of the world.

  11. Everyone – you included? Chill out Abe…

  12. If the name illegal immigrant bothers someone they can protest within reason in a civilized manner but when the property destruction and violence starts, they are criminals and need to be stopped – regardless of their status.

  13. You mean kiss their butts for anarchistic behavior? That’s beyond childish – it’s ridiculous.
    Who do you mean isn’t being treated like a human by the way – maybe I am simply thinking one thing and you another – be specific.
    By the way, property should be respected also. Treat others’ property as you’d want your own property treated – or is it different if the other guy has more than you?

  14. There MP I cleaned it up a little, not that Abe’s was clean and you printed that one LOL. Happy New Year!

  15. Rob theisen says

    I am sure they would because that is the label they push on everyone who doesn’t support Obama and march in lock step of his policies..

  16. Katya Franco says

    This alleged vandalism is and inside job! We’ve asked for the surveillance videos to be turned over to the P.D and they have not followed through. Typical dirty deeds by bigots, attempting to frame the opposition. We know how they operate. They vandalized their own building, so they are the “thugs”.

  17. Katya Franco says

    Well said A.L! These ignorant bigots ignore that they themselves are the product of illegal immigration. They continue to LOOT American countries and now bi*ch about people coming here for survival, whom btw are natives of this land and far more American than any white invader will ever be!

    These white invaders are the ONLY and TRUE illegal aliens!

  18. PostTosties says

    If you know any Americans that live in Santa Barbara or can show up contact them! :
    “BBC Radio will cover the Freedom of Speech Rally Santa Barbara News Press Mon 1/19″‏
    Attend if you can! The world will finally know what American citizens are going though with these invaders from HELL!

  19. PostTosties says

    Notice Brown Pride, Black pride but if you have white pride that is a no no!

  20. PostTosties says

    Racist! Thanks for that comment, shows your true colors!

  21. PostTosties says

    Funny we never hated Hispanics entering legally! Abe you always stick your big foot in your big mouth.

  22. PostTosties says

    Are you aware of Geronimo’s hatred for Mexicans? Read history books! If he had not surrendered he would have rode into Mexico to kill Mexicans! A direct quote from Geronimo himself.
    Mexicans and Apaches were lifelong enemies! For generations!

  23. PostTosties says

    Abe let me guess? You and your family are scofflaws correct?

  24. PostTosties says

    If whites are so terrible why do people like you die to enter the U.S.? You sound like a real idiot Abe.

  25. PostTosties says

    He can’t chill. He might have to go home!

  26. PostTosties says

    Anchor babies are not legal. There is a little clause for birthright citizenship. The parents had to sign documents claiming they had no affiliation with a foreign sovereign. Keep waving Mexican flags bozo. The right leader comes in power and we can strip all of you of your illegal birth certificates
    See Congressman John Bingham! It’s the law!

  27. Rob theisen says

    That is strange isn’t it..

  28. PostTosties says
  29. I was born here. My parents, and grandparents, too. It appears you have a powerful opinion based on speculation.

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