Joe Guzzardi – CAPS — This month, the UC Berkeley Labor Center issued a more detailed study about workers in service-related industries that paints a grim picture. The Berkeley study found that even though they are employed, the combination of low wages, lack of benefits and part-time status means that most families of fast food […]
UC Berkeley Labor Center Report Underlines Harm More Guest Workers Would Inflict on America’s Poor
Conservative ‘fly-in’ aims to sell House GOP on immigration
USA Today — About 300 conservatives from around the country and with varying backgrounds — pastors, farmers, police chiefs, business owners — will arrive in Washington on Oct. 28 to meet with Republican lawmakers and make a conservative pitch for a new immigration law. Participants in the “fly-in” say they can better speak to the […]
Polls show most voters will oppose what the House Dems proposed today
Roy Beck – NumbersUSA — Didn’t hear much about lifetime work permits for tens of millions of foreign citizens today in the press conference of House Democratic leaders introducing their comprehensive immigration reform bill. I think they may have seen internal polls that show the same thing found in dozens of polls that we have […]
IBM discrimination settlement undermines argument for doubling immigration
NumbersUSA — The settlement received very little attention but is significant because advocates for doubling future immigration – including high-skilled immigration – have planned a “fall blitz” to pressure the House into conferencing with the Senate immigration bill, S. 744. The Silicon Valley Leadership Group is in D.C. this week along with the agriculture lobby […]
Is the STEM shortage a manufactured crisis?
Deseret News — America is facing a shortage of workers in the STEM fields — science, technology, engineering and math — at least according to popular wisdom and belief. But an emerging group of critics is arguing that the STEM shortage may not be nearly as bad as popular sentiment has made it out to […]
Forgotten Victims—American Workers Immiserated By Chinese Immigration In Nineteenth Century California
VDARE — Open Borders advocates would have us believe there were no victims during past periods of rampant immigration enthusiasm. But immigrants to America were hardly innocents eventually shut out by cruel xenophobes. And the American victims of mass immigration are forgotten–perhaps deliberately in order to justify the current dispossession of the historic American nation. […]