Ann Coulter – Trump, illegal vs. legal immigration and the Republican midgets

Donald Trump vs John McCain – Trump under fire – Ann Coulter weighs in on Sean Hannity’s show on FOX News. She is accused of only having one issue – immigration – by Hannity. How do you feel about it?



  1. her one issue of illegal immigration is the Real issue as it combines our loss of jobs, low wages, the threat of terrorism crossing the border and the criminal illegals all of which are a danger to every citizen, our country and our way of life!

  2. Immigration is one of our top three national concerns. Let’s use the number “three” for the sake of argument. The other two would be immigration and immigration. Almost everything else is a subset of immigration, like national security. welfare overload, drivers licenses for illegals in California, ad nauseam, PLUS a list so long as to make one fall asleep reading it, precisely what those who gain by open borders and live on the backs of illegal aliens would like the rest of us to do, fall asleep. Immigration has more to do with what happens to us as a nation than any other area of concern. We must come to our senses and fast. In the first instance, immigration is not to make immigrants happy, it must serve the real national interests of the citizens. Basic stuff.

  3. Jim Gilchrist says

    Different persons specialize in different issues. Most presidents, as I recall, concentrated on one issue before they were elected.

    I like it when Ann Coulter is attacked. It raises her level of influence to the Nth degree every time some idiot declares her some kind of enemy of mankind. The criticism of Coulter is laughable. LOL

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