Ann Coulter says immigrants are worse than ISIS in contentious interview

Conservative pundit Ann Coulter sat down with Fusion’s Jorge Ramos to discuss her views on illegal immigration and immigration reform, and to say the interview was contentious is putting it lightly. They sparred over the true number of illegals living in the United States — Ramos insisted it’s 11 million while Coulter contested it’s actually 30 million — and Coulter refused to hug an illegal sitting in the audience. But one of the most shocking moments came when Coulter proclaimed that Mexican immigrants are more of a threat to Americans than ISIS terrorists:

Conservative author Ann Coulter sparred with Jorge Ramos in a video published Tuesday over her statement that immigrants from Mexico pose a greater danger to American security that the Islamic State.

“I have a little tip. If you don’t want to be killed by ISIS, don’t go to Syria. If you don’t want to be killed by a Mexican, there’s nothing I can tell you,” Coulter told Fusion’s Jorge Ramos.

“Very easy to not be killed by ISIS,” she added. “Don’t fly to Syria.”

The comment seemingly took Ramos off guard, who replied, “Are you really saying…we’re talking about 40 million immigrants in this country?”

“Do you think people are biologically disposed to commit crimes?” Ramos followed up with.

Coulter replied “no” to the latter question, but firmly held her position that immigrants pose a greater danger to America, contending some cultures are “obviously deficient.”

“There are a lot of problems with that culture,” she said, referring to Mexico. “Hopefully it can be changed. But we can share our culture with other nations without bringing all of their people here.”

“America is the best in the world. And we are about to lose it,” Coulter added. “Everyone who lives here is going to lose that.”

Watch a clip of the exchange below:


  1. In the last 10 years how many Americans were killed by terrorists here in America? And how many Americans were killed by illegal aliens here in it…the number of our citizens of all colors killed and sexually assaulted by illegal aliens right here in America is horrific…Anne is telling the truth!

  2. motherartist says

    The Mexican Drug Gangs hate American white men

  3. They are called “Hispanics” which is criminally wrong; they are also called “Latinos”. Mexican immigrants here are 50% pure Mexican Indians (Toltecas, Aztecas, Mayas, Olmecas, etc.) and 50% mixed Indians and Whites – the so-called “mestizos”. Maybe 1 in 100 is a pure white Spaniard. In Mexico they are forced to attend 4-year primary school where they are taught mainly pigeon Spanish.

  4. Jim Gilchrist says

    Ladies and Gentlemen of America,

    Ann Coulter is one of my greatest heroes fighting in the social media for returning the United States of America back to governance under our rules of law.

    By now it is no secret the USA is the literal target of invasion by foreign nationals who blatantly defy our nation’s immigration laws to come here to establish their own homelands within US territory.

    The invasion is so blatant and obvious that even a cave man could see it.

    However, Democratic Party members, and some Republican Party members, continue to pretend that this unprecedented invasion of the USA is not happening.

    The invasion IS happening, America, and many of the persons we have elected to public office (primarily Democrats) do not care to be inconvenienced with a remedy to the dilemma. That remedy is simple and quite effortless: It’s called “enforcing the law”: a concept that has preserved the USA as a civilized society for over two centuries.

    For decades we have pleaded with our political governors to bring our country back under the rule of law by simply enforcing our immigration laws. Yet, all of our pleas, our humble solicitations, our passionate urges have fallen on mostly deaf ears and blind eyes.

    Our humble attempts to bring our nation back under the rule of law, in accordance with protocols established by our Constitution, have failed. Freedom to assemble and speak is meaningless when those assemblies and pleadings by the people are deliberately ignored.
    Yes, America: ignored by political governors without the elementary courage and spiritual determination to preserve America as a nation of laws.

    These are truly ugly days for our country.

    Apparently, the only thing our political governors understand is the imminent threat of civil unrest.

    I do not outwardly profess that Americans engage in a violent civil uprising. However, if such is the consequence of governments, both federal and state, who arrogantly and deliberately neglect and dismiss the grievances of the people they purportedly represent, then I will do nothing to stop such outcome. For I am helpless to stop it.

    United States of America: may God help you.

    Jim Gilchrist, Founder and President, The Minuteman Project

  5. Call them what you will, but that does not change the fact that they are “illegals”, if they are in the U.S. illegally.

  6. Ann Coulter destroyed Jorge Ramos!
    It was fun watching her tear him to shreds! He deserves being humiliated because he is a liar!

  7. There were Hispanics in the U.S. from the beginning due to Native Americans having babies with Spanish colonist. Very few Mexicans were here and many of them became citizens. I meet immigrants from Latin America that don’t want more Latinos entering by the millions illegally. And they don’t favor the amnesty! Even they don’t want them here.

  8. Peatro Giorgio says

    Everyones opinion of Mexicains thus far seems wrong. Was not Texas California, oklahoma, Nevada, Arizona, New Mexico Part of the Country Of Mexico . Prior to 1838. So then Those mexicains that stayed became Americans .They have the same ancestral blood running through their veins. They to despise the illegal influx of illegal immigrants.

  9. Peatro Giorgio says

    Let’s all be honest here. The very first culprits to blame is AGgro Business, Hotels ,Motels, the restaurant industry, Domestic help. Lawn care services, Slaughterhouses Piece work factories. Now add to the The scumbags who take their political campaign contributions to keep the borders open. Start with the leadership of both establishment parties. Those are the dogs we must eliminate first. That is how we’ll close down the borders, Follow that up by imprisoning employers and those in charge of jurisdiction that have become sanctuary cities. Follow by forced repatriation

  10. Dr. Ben Carson for President ! ! !

  11. Peatro Giorgio says

    Yes indeed Good man great mind . Though for myself he is tied for first with Senator Ted Cruz. I and the preceding generations of Americans would be far better of with either one.


  1. […] you haven’t seen Ann Coulter’s interview with Jorge Ramos about her new book  ¡Adios America! The Left’s Plan To Turn Our Country Into A […]

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