Ann Coulter on why immigration is the only issue that matters

Originally posted on The Daily Signal.

Genevieve Wood / /

Political commentator Ann Coulter believes that immigration is the most important issue facing America today. If we don’t get it right, she says, debates over economics, foreign policy, and other issues just won’t matter.

Coulter makes the case in her new book, “Adios, America,” that it has been the goal of liberals for decades to fundamentally transform America by bringing in millions of immigrants from third-world countries to build their voting base.

As those familiar with Coulter know, she speaks her mind. Watch the interview to find out what she told us.


  1. Dudley DoRight. says

    Trump 2016…0bama for prison.

  2. immigration IS the main issue because it is destroying our economy. Millions of our citizens of all colors are unemployed while illegal aliens take their jobs and send money back to their Real countries. If our citizens had these jobs they would spend all their pay here creating more jobs and saving ss for our seniors. Add to that the cost of supporting illegals and their families and our citizens are going broke along with our country!

  3. Coulter makes a good point. Of course the cretins we have in congress could not figure this out in a lifetime. But we don’t have that kind of time anymore. We have given too much away. Time to set things straight, clear the decks of all illegals and reduce legal immigration and set quotas in favor of only those countries which are friendly to the USA. Simply stated we must stop buying into the BIG CON and use the common sense that is “in there” somewhere. Open borders (Obama’s favorite illegal plan?) and all that surrounds it, all the lies about illegal alien presence (there are surely at least 25-30M illegals in the USA), the benefits of immigration lies (as if it were still 1850!), all of these facets are part of one of the biggest con jobs ever to take root in the USA. Our present status quo benefits the top 5% and the illegals themselves and a preponderance of legals too (H1Bs for example). It steal from the other 95%, steals the bread from our poor, steals from the blacks, steals our classroom space and is a HUGE element in modern American crime stats. To not get this is to be dumbed down by the BIG CON. Let’s stop being dumbed down, change our pols if they don’t change this status quo, till they get it right.

  4. Ever since the 1986 Amnesty we have been swamped by the flood of illegals mainly from Mexico, and now, from Central America as well, thanks to Obama. Immigration whether it’s legal or illegal is the main issue of the day. Trump is right, Ann Coulter is right. ENOUGH OF THIS INSANITY!!

  5. You are so right when it comes to S.S., All of these lying politicians keep telling us that some how the flood of Third World immigrants will save S.S. is a joke! Yeah, White people don’t breed enough to save it, but, uneducated, low wage, people who have lots of kids on Medicaid will save the system. And in the end these saviors of S.S. not only don’t pay income taxes, with the Child Credit, don’t pay anything towards S.S. either.

  6. Jim Gilchrist says

    At the current rate of invasion illegal aliens will grow to to an amount so large that there will be no hope to deport them without engaging in some kind of massive military effort…perhaps tantamount to another civil war. This time the war will be between patriots and illegal aliens.
    The winner will be the side that has the federal government on their side.

    It could happen…meaning we could be overtaken by so many millions more of illegal aliens that they will be literally too big and powerful to remove from the USA.

    What a depressing place this country has become. No rule of law. Pandering asses who call themselves representatives of the people. Damn them all. Damn every last one of them.

    You bethcha’ I am damn angry!

  7. LandMinesOTB says

    It’s like she’s inside my head. I’ve been saying this for years. If this third world cancer continues to permeate America and eat us from within, there will be nothing left worth saving.

  8. sherri palmer says

    Agreed 100%!

  9. sherri palmer says

    I am living to see this!

  10. Mr. Gilchrist your myopic view of immigration is alarming. Immigrants do not come to the US for handouts but for opportunity. Ann Coulter’s youtube video and interview is disappointing on so many levels. I am just surprised that she never stopped to think that immigrants come here because their ideals line up with those of other Americans. All you minutemen talk about is Rule of Law, well tell me what law immigrants are breaking by being here? The laws they break are either, entry without inspection, or visa overstay. Entry without inspection is a class B misdemeanor, same as speeding in my state, and a visa overstay is a civil infraction. These are not serious violations as you make them out to be. This country is depressing because there are people who want to shut up the borders and not allow any foreigners to come in. Lucky you that you were born in the safest country on earth. What a crime that some one born in a foreign country wants to come to the US to escape persecution, death threats, oppression, and poverty. Doesn’t this sound familiar? Didn’t the pilgrims leave Europe because of religious persecution. Hasn’t the US always been thought of as the land of opportunity? I am proud to live in a country that would offer that opportunity to all, regardless of the geographic location of their birth. I don’t think that is something that should determine whether opportunity is available or not. What a shame that they had no opportunity to complete a secondary education in their home countries that when they get here we mock the level of their education. Have you ever been to another country and stepped into an immigrants shoes? Do you know the violence, poverty, depression, loss of family, lack of opportunity that these immigrants face? Again, lucky you that you were born in the US. What many immigrants lack in education they make up in work ethic, drive, and dedication to their families. I think there are those of us who are angry also, but angry that there are members of our great nation who wish to shut out those who want to contribute to our country. So Mr. Gilchrist it appears that you are not the only one that is angry!

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