“America truly needs a brave man or woman in the White House who will have the will and the conscience to bring our nation back under the rule of law.” —Jim Gilchrist

Dear Readers,

I stand firmly in my support of Texas Senator Ted Cruz as the most likely person to earnestly enforce our nation’s immigration laws, and who will reverse the pandering trend to grant all illegal aliens who come to the USA a free “pathway to citizenship.”

Other candidates also garnering my interest are former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee, and Carly Fiorina, among a few others.

America truly needs a brave man or woman in the White House who will have the will and the conscience to bring our nation back under the rule of law.

For too long we have been represented by incompetent and cowering political leaders with no will to govern and lead under the traditional concepts of our Constitution. The result is an America where our Constitution and its rules of law are perceived as meaningless.

Ladies and gentlemen, I urge you to query all of the candidates for president, OR ANY OTHER OFFICE, about his or her specific stand on the illegal alien invasion crisis that continues to put our nation’s future at risk.

If we support anyone not firmly standing up for immigration law enforcement, then we are damned to have more of the same irresponsible and reprehensible governance that has encouraged the illegal alien invasion problem for the past 40 years.

Remember, you will be called names like bigot, or racist, by our adversaries, simply for asking that the United States of America actually follow its heralded tradition of being a “nation of laws.”

Some of the name-calling attacks will come from members of a remote segment of the Republican Party who have infiltrated that party.

However, the most vicious attacks will overwhelmingly come from the Democratic Party and their anarchist-minded enablers who envision a new America where mob rule and political tyranny are the conduct du jour.

Sincerely Yours,

Jim Gilchrist, Founder and President, The Minuteman Project


  1. We also need some real representation and a few good nen in congress ! What we have are traitors and cowards who are bought and paid for !

    Our system is seriously broken form the top down in both red and blue flavors ! And it is all because of the corporatocracy we now live in. Don’t be one of these guys ? Breakaway from the herd mentality and think !

  2. Jim you are absolutely on the mark.We must make it a point to
    dump all those in congress,above all Boehner who are siding
    with Obama on every illegal issue along with McConnell.

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