Archives for 2015

ICE Has No Idea of the Whereabouts of Illegals They Let Go

Hapless bureaucrats at Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) have no idea if illegals they’ve caught and then released commit more crimes or even show up for scheduled court appearances. A new Inspector General report blows the lid off the phony way the Obama Administration is keeping track of illegal aliens it turns loose: “ICE cannot […]

DHS suspends Obama’s amnesty

The Hill — The Department of Homeland Security on Tuesday suspended President Obama’s expansion of deportation deferrals, scrambling a congressional debate over how to prevent a shutdown of the agency late next week. The DHS put the brakes on Obama’s executive actions after a Texas federal judge issued a temporary injunction blocking the new program, which […]

Judge’s ruling spurs legitimacy fight on immigration

The Washington Examiner — A federal judge’s decision blocking President Obama’s executive action to shield up to 5 million immigrants from deportation undercuts a White House push to play down concerns about the legitimacy of the directive. Regardless of whether the temporary injunction late Monday by U.S. District Judge Andrew Hanen stands — the United States […]

Florida refuses to purge illegal aliens from voter rolls

Illegal aliens can still vote in Florida thanks to a ridiculous ruling from a federal court and the inaction of the Governor and Attorney General of the state of Florida. It all stems from a lawsuit against Florida’s attempts to ensure non-citizens who are in this country illegally aren’t allowed to vote. Liberal activists in […]

ICE cares more about seizing illegal vehicles than illegal immigrants

A massive federal law enforcement effort has cracked open a huge case of illegal entry into the United States. No — not the millions of illegal aliens currently crossing the border, but 40 Land Rover off-road vehicles. That’s right. U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement sent hundreds of officers and spent thousands of man-hours preparing search […]

New York undocumented immigrant ID law has ‘shred in case of Tea Party’ clause

New York Post — Get the shredders ready — the Tea Party could be coming. The city’s new municipal ID program allows for personal info provided by applicants to be destroyed at the end of 2016, in case a conservative Republican wins the White House and demands the data, the law’s co-sponsor told The Post on […]