Archives for November 2014

Minuterman President Blasts NYC Mayor Bill De Blasio for Encouraging More “Illegal” Immigration

Commentary by Jim Gilchrist — Dear Americans, The following is my response to NYC Mayor Bill De Blasio in the wake of his decision to stop deportations of illegal aliens. MY comments are quite fiery and are not intended for faint-of-heart, worrisome hand-wringers. Encouraging the illegal alien invasion of the United States is a serious […]

New York ends cooperation with feds on immigrant deportations

New York (AFP) — New York Mayor Bill de Blasio signed two laws Friday that cut the city’s cooperation with US federal authorities on the deportation of undocumented immigrants. Blasting federal immigration enforcement as “overbroad,” de Blasio said America’s most populated city would now only cooperate with national authorities when there are concerns over public […]

Illegals File Suit Against DHS To Stop Deportations

Newsmax — A group of illegal immigrants have filed a lawsuit against the Department of Homeland Security demanding that deportations be halted until President Barack Obama clarifies his amnesty plans, The Washington Post reported. The National Day Laborer Organizing Network, the advocacy group behind the lawsuit, wants deportations frozen and the Deferred Action for Childhood […]

California DMV Expands Office Hours To Accommodate Licenses For Undocumented Immigrants

CBS LosAngeles — ‘Dear Readers, the appropriate term for ‘undocumented immigrants’ is ‘ILLEGAL ALIENS,’ per U.S. Immigration Code. The writer must be in fear of retribution, so he used the Democrat Party rhetoric.’ California’s Department of Motor Vehicles is expanding office hours as it prepares to issue an expected 1.4 million licenses to people in […]

Oregon – The blue canary

President Obama has threatened executive action on immigration if “Congress won’t act.” The thing is, Congress DID act on immigration. The House soundly rejected the Senate’s 2013 Pathway to Citizenship bill.  That was an action whether he liked it or not. The Senate bill was rejected because it’s a big ‘ol mess. It would have been tricky to implement and, in addition, […]

Obama ‘to Unveil 10-Point Amnesty Next Week’

Fox News — President Obama is planning to unveil a 10-part plan for overhauling U.S. immigration policy via executive action — including suspending deportations for millions — as early as next Friday, a source close to the White House told Fox News. The president’s plans were contained in a draft proposal from a U.S. government […]