Breitbart — VIDEO: Wednesday at the Council on Foreign Relations, Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson seemed to contradict his boss, President Barack Obama, by suggesting the decision to put of the executive order granting amnesty to upwards of 5 million illegal immigrants currently living in the United States until after the November midterm elections was […]
Archives for September 2014
Ted Cruz Is Considering An Idea That Could Lead To A Shutdown Showdown
Yahoo — Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) on Tuesday suggested Republicans include a provision that would effectively deport some young undocumented immigrants i n a crucial spending measure. Cruz’s comments raise the possibility of another government shutdown. The continuing resolution Cruz would pair with controversial immigration legislation needs to be passed by Sept. 30 if Congress […]
Britain to offer NATO summit security fences to help France stop migrants
LONDON (Reuters) — Britain is offering to donate 20 km (13 miles) of steel fencing from last week’s NATO summit in Wales to help French authorities struggling to control a growing number of illegal immigrants trying to cross the English Channel to Britain. Authorities say the number of illegal immigrants flooding into the port city […]
Amnesty After Elections
NY Times — President Obama will delay taking executive action on immigration until after the midterm elections, bowing to pressure from fellow Democrats who feared that acting now could doom his party’s chances this fall, White House officials said on Saturday. The decision is a reversal of Mr. Obama’s vow to issue broad directives to […]
Obama will not enact executive amnesty before the midterm elections
Breitbart — On Saturday, after the White House announced that President Barack Obama will not enact executive amnesty before the midterm elections, pro-amnesty groups vowed to “escalate” their activism what they said was a “slap to the face.” Cristina Jimenez of the pro-amnesty United We Dream group, which has confronted lawmakers like Sen. Ted Cruz […]
Father of Man Killed by Illegal Alien Demands Obama Visit Son’s Grave
Washington Times — Calls immigration policies politically motivated as president weighs executive action. The father of a man killed by an illegal immigrant in a car crash has challenged President Obama to visit his son’s grave before declaring any executive action halting deportations. In a letter that Don Rosenberg sent last month to Mr. Obama […]