CIS — Most immigration discussions totally avoid the subject of immigration limits or assume there are no limits to the number of immigrants the United States can or should take in every year. A recent Washington Post editorial, for example, complained about what it called an “absurdly long backlog” that exists “because of annual limits […]
Archives for February 2014
An Autopsy of the Senate Immigration Bill, Pt. 3: The Question of Limits
Surge in illegal youths crossing into Texas
TEA PARTY — They come from Central America with slips of paper sewn into their pockets bearing names they are sometimes too young to spell. Parents send them with Bibles, rosaries and small wooden crosses in their backpacks. [Read More]
GOP Rep mulls amnesty at townhall — held entirely in Spanish
TEA PARTY — After the sterling conservative voting record he has established during three years in Washington, Representative Mick Mulvaney, a Republican, can take a few political risks in his South Carolina district, one of the most conservative in this reliably Republican state. This week he did just that. [Read More]
Left Renews Attack Against Border Patrol Agents
TEA PARTY — On Tuesday in Milton, Texas, 41 year old Jesus Flores-Cruz was shot and killed after he threw large rocks at a U.S. Border Patrol agent. The agent claims his life was being threatened. Flores-Cruz, a Mexican citizen who investigators claim was most likely in the U.S. illegally, began throwing… [Read More]
Senate Amnesty Bill Provision Shows Up in Court Ruling
VDARE — In a decision of the Fourth Circuit Appeals Court, judges allowed that an illegal alien MS-13 gangster could get on a path to citizenship because he had renounced his gang affiliation. A couple of Republican House members are upset at the precedent that decision would set, but perhaps the judges had merely absorbed […]
White House Tries A Kinder, Gentler Approach To Achieving Immigration Reform
FOX NEWS — The White House is going to try a kinder and gentler approach to immigration reform in the hope that a carrot this year will bring more success than the stick did last year. White House officials reportedly have told leading immigration reform advocates in recent meetings that President Obama is choosing to […]