Archives for August 2013

Immigration Reform: Marco Rubio Warns of Executive Order

Politico – If Congress doesn’t pass a comprehensive immigration reform law in the next year then President Barack Obama might be “tempted” to legalize 11 million undocumented immigrants by executive order, Sen. Marco Rubio said. Rubio said continued delay in Congress could create a scenario in which the nation misses out on his bill’s technological […]

Asylum Seekers Overwhelm the Border in San Diego

Human Events – For a little sneak preview of where our ruling class’ obsession with amnesty for illegal aliens will lead us, take a look at what’s happening on the border right now. An astonishing surge of asylum seekers has literally overwhelmed U.S. Immigration in San Diego, forcing them to rent out hotel rooms to […]

Mass Immigration versus the Rights of American Workers

American Thinker – If we truly have a labor shortage, why aren’t wages going up along with increased participation in the labor force? The answer is obvious. When you increase significantly the supply of labor above the demand for jobs, wages go down along with participation. The marketplace works for the bottom line of businesses. […]

19 Very Disturbing Facts on Illegal Immigration Every American Should Know

Right Side News – Should we broadcast a message to the rest of the world that anyone that can find a way to enter this country and somehow get to a “sanctuary city” can sign up for a plethora of welfare benefits and live a life of leisure at the expense of hard working American […]

Democrat Manual: How to Lie About Gun Control

WND – Democratic strategists have drafted a how-to manual on manipulating the public’s emotions toward gun control in the aftermath of a major shooting. “A high-profile gun-violence incident temporarily draws more people into the conversation about gun violence,” asserts the guide. “We should rely on emotionally powerful language, feelings and images to bring home the […]

Ex-Border Patrol Agents Warn: Politicians Helping Cartels in U.S.

Breitbart – In an open letter to the public, several retired Border Patrol agents wrote on behalf of the National Association of Former Border Patrol Officers to warn that Mexican drug cartels are actively operating inside the United States spending millions every year to try to build their networks here. They argued that American politicians […]