Award-winning journalist Sharyl Attkisson threw some spotlight on something the mainstream media refuses to report: the growing epidemic of brutal crimes committed by illegal alien thugs.
Just read about the last moments of Josh Wilkerson and wonder if the victim and the perpetrator had been different how much it would have been covered:
Laura Wilkerson recounts the final hours of her son Josh.
“He had been bound up with, like, 13 ropes from here to here, through his back belt loop, through his hands and his feet, like an animal.”
Her son had given a ride home to Hermilo Moralez, a high school classmate and illegal immigrant with an arrest record.
“He hit him so hard in the stomach that it made his spleen go into the spine and it sliced it in two. Then, he tortured him by strangling him then, he put him in a field and he set his body on fire.”
Josh is among thousands of victims of undocumented foreigners who committed crimes on U.S. soil and then, through policy failures, loopholes or mistakes were set free to carry out more crimes.
Wilkerson’s tragedy is only one of many visited on American families thanks to permissive border security policies:
Families of five victims said politics and political correctness have forced their personal tragedies into the shadows while shielding criminals.
“Especially in San Francisco, they become a protected class. Whatever they do, they get away with,” said Don Rosenberg.
Rosenberg’s son, Drew was on his way home from law school in San Francisco when he was run over and killed by an illegal immigrant.
Roberto Galo had been caught five months earlier driving the wrong way down a street with no license or insurance. He kept driving, unlicensed, until the day he killed Drew.
It was less than three miles from where an illegal immigrant allegedly shot Kate Steinle in July. Drew’s case– five years before– wasn’t featured on national news.
Protecting illegal aliens crosses most of the media’s lines when it comes to reporting:
Sabine Durden’s only child, Dominic, was a 911 dispatcher. He was driving his motorcycle to work in 2012 when he was hit by an illegal immigrant with a long rap sheet.
“He had a prior felony conviction, then he had a DUI. And he got put on probation with a DUI even though he had no license, no insurance, and no registration. So then he had another DUI while he was on probation for the first DUI,” said Durden.
Two months later he was still driving without a license when he killed Dominic.
Attkisson: Have people looked at you as if you’re some sort of prejudiced person?
Durden: Of course.
Attkisson: Because of speaking out on behalf of your loss?
Durden: I’ve been called a racist and then I show ’em the picture of Dominic. Dominic was half black. What else you got? Can’t call me a racist. Then they come with their “anti-immigration” and then I share with them that I became a citizen. I immigrated here.
Of course the government doesn’t make it easy for journalists to report illegal alien crimes sprees:
It’s not easy to find how often illegal immigrants commit serious crimes in the U.S. the federal government doesn’t publicize the numbers. Senator Grassley demanded them from Immigration and Customs Enforcement, or ICE. What he got was astonishing.
In 2013 and 2014 alone, ICE set loose 66,565 illegal immigrant criminals who had 166,877 convictions.
30,000 for drunk or drugged driving
414 kidnappings
11,301 rapes or other types of assaults
395 homicides
Already, more than two thousand of those criminals have been convicted of new crimes in the U.S.– including felonies and gang offenses since their release.
Mesa, Arizona police officer Brandon Mendoza witnessed the revolving door firsthand.
“It would be very disheartening for him to feel that, ‘the guy I just stopped tonight was a guy I stopped two months ago, mom, he’s back,'” said Mary Ann Mendoza.
Criminals like Raul Silva-Corona, who lived illegally in the U.S. for twenty years while committing crimes like burglary, assault and leaving the scene of an accident.On Mother’s Day last year, Silva-Corona got drunk and high on meth, drove 35 miles the wrong way on freeways and ran head-on into Officer Mendoza’s car, killing them both.
Obama’s policy of making it nearly impossible to deport even the most viscous illegal alien criminal has real world consequences:
Mike Ronnebeck’s 21-year old nephew Grant was clerking on the graveyard shift at a Mesa, Arizona convenience store in January when he was attacked, allegedly by an illegal immigrant with an arrest record.
That record included burglary, sexual assault and kidnapping – charges he pled down to felony burglary and probation.
“The crime that this illegal alien committed was to burglarize a woman in her house, holding her hostage for a week, naked, threatening her… day 792 of this man waiting for his bond hearing or his deportation hearing, he killed my nephew Grant,” said.
“The man shot him point blank in the face, killing him,” he said.
An actual watchdog press would go after an Administration which says one thing but behind the scenes practices another:
Senator Grassley says he’s heard from one whistleblower after another inside ICE, claiming they’re told not to do their job.
Sen. Grassley: Ignore the laws, just do everything you can to have people that ought to be deported to be able to stay in this country.
Attkisson: So it’s not, in their view, always an accident that people who have committed crimes are allowed to stay?
Sen. Grassley: The people that have to make that decision are told to make that decision. When they get the orders from the top and they don’t do it, they’re going to lose their job.
Attkisson spoke to an ICE agent who said the same thing. He asked not to be identified for fear of losing his job.
“We have to sit back and watch people die and that’s not an exaggeration. We have Kate Steinle that was killed, that happens every day. That’s the most horrific thing is to know, that you have the ability to prevent this and the government would rather not offend anybody than keep people from dying,” he said.
“I know that this country welcomes immigrants. This country was built by immigrants. But we’re also a country of laws. And when we have people that cross our borders that don’t have the same respect for our laws that we do, it bothers me. And it bothers me that we can’t hold them accountable,”