The Left’s Secret Immigration Plan

Fox News pundit Bill O’Reilly used his talking points memo piece to give a quick rundown of the Left’s desires when it comes to immigration:oreilly 12215

Point number one: The left no longer distinguishes between illegal aliens and those who come here legally.

All foreign nationals who enter are now described by the Times and others as immigrants.

And if you use the term illegal alien, you are a bigot.

Point two: The left believes that any fence on the southern border is nativist bigotry that is a hateful action towards non-Americans, especially Hispanics.

Point number three: The left wants open borders, no restrictions on those who come here, no detention, no physical barrier, no deportation proceedings unless a serious crime other than illegal entry is committed.

And if you disagree with that you are a promoting an anti-immigrant police state.

Point four: The left says all immigrants — again illegal and legal — should be welcomed and assimilated.

And not only that, the government should give them money to settle in and they should be immediately eligible for all the entitlements Americans can secure.

Point five: All illegal aliens already here should be put on a pathway to citizenship.

The left wants full amnesty.

And finally point number six: The left wants free lawyers for all immigrants so they can gather up the entitlements and citizenship requirements.



The ultimate goal of the Left’s immigration policies:

The radical left immigration vision would profoundly change all of America’s traditions, all of them.

And that’s what the left wants because that ideology sees the American Judeo-Christian tradition as oppressive, exploitative and a white-privilege legacy.

Thus, the uber-left wants traditional America wiped off the face of the earth.

That’s what is truly going on and if Americans don’t wise up quickly, the left-wing vision of immigration may very well become a reality.