Senate Amnesty Bill Provision Shows Up in Court Ruling

VDARE — In a decision of the Fourth Circuit Appeals Court, judges allowed that an illegal alien MS-13 gangster could get on a path to citizenship because he had renounced his gang affiliation. A couple of Republican House members are upset at the precedent that decision would set, but perhaps the judges had merely absorbed […]

Candidate For Texas Lt. Governor Faces Accusation Having Hired Undocumented Workers

FOX NEWS — Texas state senator Dan Patrick, a candidate for lieutenant governor known for his tough stance on immigration, is defending himself against allegations that he knowingly employed undocumented immigrants decades ago. [Read More]

Illegal Immigration and California | Hugh Hewitt talks to Andrew Wilkow

[featured-video-plus][/featured-video-plus] From The Blaze: Andrew Wilkow asks Hugh Hewitt to explain from a legal standpoint how the California Supreme Court can rule in favor of illegal immigrant Sergio Garcia, by granting him a license to practice law.

The US Chamber Of Commerce Versus America

Michelle Malkin — The U.S. Chamber of Commerce is a politically entrenched synod of special interests. These fat cats do not represent the best interests of American entrepreneurs, American workers, American parents and students, or Americans of any race, class or age who believe in low taxes and limited government. The Chamber’s business is the […]

Tech Job Shortage Narrative Skillfully Packaged and Promoted

Bemidji Pioneer – Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg et al., promote the idea that America has a skills shortage crisis that can be resolved through importing millions of foreign-born workers. Yet the evidence proves that there’re millions of talented, eager and willing Americans in virtually every field. Several non-partisan sources confirm the ample supply of U.S. labor. […]

Today’s Grads Face Mounting Pressure From Foreign Tech Workers

PFIR – Mass layoffs are typically justified in terms of restructuring to meet changing market needs, retooling for the next phase of innovation, or remaining competitive in an increasingly dynamic industry. But there’s more to it than this. These goals can be achieved in large part by replacing American workers with foreign workers who will […]