Principled Immigration Reform Puts Americans First

Will Amnesty for Illegal Aliens Push America into Third World Status in 2014?FAIR — Under the leadership of Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio), House Republicans are drafting a set of immigration reform principles to guide them as they debate immigration in 2014. They plan to release these principles in time for their January 29th GOP retreat.

At the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR), we hope these principles will finally place the interests of Americans first – an idea that is conspicuously absent from the reforms being proposed by the leaders of either party.

FAIR’s core principles for immigration reform are:

No more amnesties. We can create clever euphemisms, but the only people we will be fooling are ourselves. Any policy that legalizes illegal aliens is amnesty and will lead to even more illegal immigration. This includes any “pathways to citizenship” or legalization programs that grant green cards or work visas.

Secure our borders. The last time our government measured border security, only 13 percent of our borders are under “operational control.” That is simply unacceptable…. [Read More]