White House Admits ‘Rumors’ of Amnesty Motivating Illegal Border Crossings

BREITBART — The Obama administration says it is “surging” resources to confront the flood of illegal unaccompanied minors and family units coming across the southern border. On the enforcement side, the Department of Homeland Security announced Friday it is stepping up enforcement resources to detain more adults with children and increase immigration court hearing capacity […]

Illegal Aliens Amassing at Rio Grande’s Edge

AZCENTRAL — Fourteen-year-old Brayan Duban Soler Redando left Honduras in April after hearing a rumor that children who can make it to the U.S. are being given permission to stay so they can go to school. He traveled alone all the way from the village of Quebrada Maria on the Caribbean coast of Honduras, through […]

POLL: Two-thirds of Americans reject president’s handling of immigration crisis

POLITICO — Two in three Americans disapprove of President Barack Obama’s handling of immigration, according to a new Gallup poll. At 65 percent, the disapproval rate is the highest that Gallup has reported since the group began polling on the subject and is up 10 points since August 2013. Thirty-one percent of those polled approved […]

La Raza Demands Amnesty Vote from New Maj. Leader Kevin McCarthy

BREITBART — Moments after Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) was elected the new majority leader, La Raza and other Hispanic and Asian ethnic groups demanded a vote on amnesty. “The new Majority Leader can either schedule a House floor vote on workable immigration reform or he can kill the best chance in decades to fix the […]