INFOWARS — For the third time in less than a year Mexican officials report that security surrounding the storage and transportation of nuclear material in the troubled state has been compromised. According to civil defense officials a vehicle carrying a lethal dose of radioactive Iridium-192 was hijacked by unknown thieves. Last year a truck carrying […]
Texas Rangers Dispatched to Secure Border Amid Stolen Mexican Nuke Threat
Pro-Amnesty Crowd Burns American Flag at Murrieta on 4th of July, Shout “F*** America!”
BREITBART — An American flag has reportedly been burned by pro-amnesty protesters near the Murrieta Border Patrol station on America’s Independence Day. Breitbart News obtained the above photograph, which shows a burnt flag on the ground, from an anti-illegal immigration activist who was monitoring the pro-amnesty demonstration. Opponents of illegal immigration had gathered in Murrieta […]
Border Meltdown: Obama Delivering 290,000 Illegals To U.S. Homes
DAILYCALLER — The vast majority of 50,000 unaccompanied youths and children who have illegally crossed the Texas border during the last few months have been successfully delivered by federal agencies to their relatives living in the United States, according to a New York Times article. A second New York Times article report revealed that officials […]
Limbaugh: Obama’s Border Patrol Now Taxpayer-Funded Coyotes!
TEAPARTY — BEGIN TRANSCRIPT: RUSH: Let me get this straight. I need to understand something. The news media and even congressmen are being prevented from seeing what’s going on down on the border and in the numerous processing centers around the country, out of concern, of course, for the safety of the illegal alien children. […]