Obama Administration Released Over 600 Illegal Aliens With Criminal Convictions

Daily Signal — More than 600 convicted criminals, including felons, were among thousands of illegal immigrants freed under the Obama administration in advance of 2013 budget cuts mandated under sequestration. That’s according to a new report today from the inspector general for the Department of Homeland Security. According to the IG’s report, at least two-dozen […]

Refugee Status for Illegal Alien Children is a Myth

Commentary from Jim Gilchrist — Refugee Status for Illegal Alien Children is a Myth Dear Americans and Legal U. S. Residents, The 63,000 illegal alien children from Central America are not the political refugees they say they are. Nor are they fleeing into the USA because of violence in their homelands. Those are myths broadcasted […]

Video demonstrates insecurity of border

How easy is it for illegal criminals and even terrorists to enter our country via the U.S.-Mexico border? James O’Keefe and Project Veritas discovered that’s far, far too easy. O’Keefe dressed up as Osama bin Laden and simply waded across the Rio Grande in broad daylight. Watch the video below:

Texas Border Rancher Says Illegal Immigrant Surge ‘Overwhelming’

Daily Caller — While the discussion of the latest wave of illegal immigrants has focused mostly on women and unaccompanied children, Texas sheriffs and ranchers say they are seeing another side of the surge. Illegal immigrants — often ushered across the Rio Grande river by coyotes — are busting through ranchers’ fences in one county […]