An American Without A Country Fears His Government

Commentary from a Texan: — Dear Mr. Gilchrist, I live in Austin, TX. I am taking the time to write this email because I am extremely worried about the next two months now that Obama and the democrats have nothing left to lose and have the media to protect them during the outgoing democratic senators’ […]

Here’s the Fiery Analogy Boehner Used to Warn Obama Not to Take Unilateral Action on Immigration

The Blaze — House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) warned Thursday that any attempt by President Barack Obama to ease U.S. immigration rules on his own would poison his relationship with Congress, which is already suffering from a severe lack of trust in the White House. Boehner said the midterm elections show that voters don’t want […]

Border stat posted, and then removed

Washington Post — Most of the people the Border Patrol stopped from sneaking into the country last year were from countries other than Mexico, according to agency statistics, a shift that might have provided fodder for politicians leading up to Tuesday’s election. But they didn’t get much of a chance. The Border Patrol’s annual statistics […]

Obama to Unleash ‘Tidal Wave’ of Illegals

Newsmax — Law enforcement officials have a message for the American people: If the president issues an executive amnesty, be prepared for a new wave of illegal immigration at the nation’s southern border and beyond. Breitbart talked to sheriffs about the issue. “The law applies to you and I as citizens, and yet it appears […]