Barack Obama officially announced U.S. attorney Loretta Lynch as his nominee for attorney general on Saturday, and Sens. Ted Cruz (R-TX) and Mike Lee (R-UT) want to know where she stands on the issue of executive amnesty: President Obama formally announced on Saturday morning his decision to name Lynch, a U.S. attorney for New York, […]
Millions could be shielded by Executive Action for Long-Term Illegal Aliens
CIS — This is the second report to examine the characteristics of populations that have been suggested as potential beneficiaries for legalization through the executive action reportedly being planned by the Obama administration. This action could shield hundreds of thousands, perhaps millions, of illegal aliens living in the United States, as a substitute for the […]
Obama Executive Orders 13603 Nationalizing Energy, Food, Water, Everything Else
NewAmerican — In his State Of The Union Address on February 12, President Obama cited a number of new initiatives on which he intended the federal government to take action. The area that understandably caused the biggest furor was the president’s reference to his proposals for increased federal restrictions on private firearm ownership, which he […]
Arrogant Obama determined to grant amnesty
AP — A White House lunch aiming for cooperation boiled into a fresh dispute with newly empowered Republicans over immigration reform Friday, with GOP leaders warning President Barack Obama to his face not to take unilateral action. The president stood unflinchingly by his plan to act. Republicans attending the postelection lunch at Obama’s invitation said […]