Commentary by Minuteman Project President Jim Gilchrist — Dear Americans, The actual effective number of illegal aliens who will be amnestied is more like 31 to 33 MILLION who currently reside on U.S. territory, according to my personal estimate, which is based on the estimated accumulated number who have flowed into our country undeterred by […]
Illegals Taunt Agents as Amnesty Nears
Washington Examiner — Morale among officers at Immigration and Customs Enforcement, already low, has reached a new bottom as illegal immigrants expecting amnesty from President Obama taunt and ridicule the overworked officers, according to a new report. “Yes,” said one, “working for this agency is Hell right now.” That was the latest message to immigration […]
Minuterman President Blasts NYC Mayor Bill De Blasio for Encouraging More “Illegal” Immigration
Commentary by Jim Gilchrist — Dear Americans, The following is my response to NYC Mayor Bill De Blasio in the wake of his decision to stop deportations of illegal aliens. MY comments are quite fiery and are not intended for faint-of-heart, worrisome hand-wringers. Encouraging the illegal alien invasion of the United States is a serious […]