Illegals Say They are 112, Social Security Buys It

The Social Security Administration (SSA) has 6.5 million Social Security numbers on file for people over 112 years old many of which are now being used by illegal immigrants to game the Social Security system. The best estimate is that there are only 35 people in the whole world who are 112 years old or […]

Feds Blocking Illegal Alien Voting Probe

Ohio Secretary of State Jon Husted found 44 cases of illegal aliens voting in Ohio and could find more but federal officials refuse to hand over crucial data. Husted’s investigation used Ohio Bureau of Motor Vehicle data to cross check voter rolls.  However, for a match, the BMV record must be self-identified as a non-citizen. […]

Obama Desperate to Begin Amnesty

The Hill reports President Obama is getting more and more desperate to impose his unconstitutional amnesty for illegal aliens before it gets caught up in a long legal battle. That’s why he recently demanded the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals overturn Judge Andrew Hanen’s injunction stopping his executive edict. The political motive for this move […]

Illegal Admits to Raping 10 Year Old Girl

Illegal immigrant Ramiro Ajualip admitted to investigators he raped a 10 year old girl in late February. Unfortunately for the 10 year old, Ajualip sauntered across the border just four weeks earlier, slipping through Barack Obama’s non-existent border security and landed in Russellville, AL where he lived with the girl’s parents. Initially, the girl was […]