Obama and Hillary Can but Sheriff Joe Can’t

Sheriff Joe Arpaio is being squeezed by the same federal court’s President Barack Obama and future Democrat Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton routinely ignore. Sheriff Joe faces a court hearing in April for the grave crime of attempting to enforce immigration law.  He has consistently had officers under his command stop and detain illegal alien lawbreakers […]

FOX News in Bed With Obama on Amnesty

Veteran journalist and admitted liberal Mickey Kaus, despite his pedigree, is solidly anti-amnesty for illegal aliens. However, when he tried to take FOX news to task for their implicit support for Obama’s unconstitutional executive action on amnesty, his employer the Daily Caller refused to publish his takedown of FOX. Kaus was told we don’t “trash […]

30,000 Immigrant Criminals Released

Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) revealed today they have released 30,558 immigrant with criminal records in fiscal year 2014. That’s down from 2013’s record of 36,007. ICE said it had little discretion over most of the criminals it released. The agency said under a previous court decision, immigrants whose home countries won’t take them back […]

The Big, Fat “American Worker Recruitment First” Lie of H-1B

Michelle Malkin takes off after the purveyors of H1-b visa abuse. Aside from the testimony of academics and whistleblowers, she highlights another example of President Obama’s questionable use of executive power to game the immigration system. Miano’s testimony was particularly important because he explained how the little known “OPT” (Optional Training Program) for foreign students is […]