Scott Walker Flip-Flops on Amnesty Again

The Wall Street Journal is reporting potential Presidential Candidate Scott Walker told a group of New Hampshire Republicans at a private dinner that he “backed the idea of allowing undocumented immigrants to stay in the country and to eventually become eligible for citizenship.” This is at odds with Walker’s stance just a few weeks ago […]

Infographic: Where illegals work in the U.S.

Ever wonder where most illegal immigrants in the U.S. are working? The Pew Research Center has summed up their estimates in two handy infographics. While more illegal workers hold fewer blue-collar jobs and more white-collar jobs than they did before the Great Recession, the majority still work in low-skilled service, construction, and production companies. For […]

Many Businesses Ignore E-Verify Laws

One key tactic used to control the massive flow of illegal immigrants to the United States is to make it difficult for businesses to hire workers who are not in the country legally. The cornerstone of this program is the federal system called E-verify. E-verify allows responsible business owners to quickly check the immigration bone […]

Word of Minuteman Protest at Mexican Consulate Spreading

The Examiner takes a close look at the very successful Minuteman Project protest recently held in San Bernardino, CA. Noting that most major media outlets chose to ignore the innovative and instructive protest: The group of demonstrators, many of whom were affiliated with groups such as the Minuteman Project, targeted San Bernardino’s Mexican consulate which […]